Zombara - Synthetic Application

Synthetic Application - Zombara

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?


What whitelist applications have you previously completed?

Used to be all about working joe. As it turns out. You have to be somebody to be one.

Synthetic Info:

Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:


What is your Synthetic’s Personality?

Brave, kind, persistent and hopeful.

How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?

If it’s my synth. It’s very respectful. For these are the people who must be obeyed. In fact, I’ve conceived of my own syntent. As one created by Seegson companies. post-Linear Joe with improved AI.

Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?

I like metal over meat. And I think I’d be a good servant for humans. My synth will help with engineering and operations if possible.

What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?

When the Synthetic killed the Predator

Synthetic Character Story:

As I wrote earlier. It was created at SeegSon Companies. Since the company decided to test this model. They gave Synthetic as a gift along with the JO and ARES packages. After that, he began to execute from simple orders to complex ones. Include medical treatments and surgeries.
When they tried to take him out, he’d black out. Since ARES was out of range, however. SeegSon has recalled the unit to install a modification (Installing a new AI and decoupling it from the ARES Core).
Since then, he’s been doing work and helping out in Almaer.



It’s all right. I know how to set up the APC, the barricade. Fix all kinds of equipment. Do what a human used to do.


I’m not very good at command. But in an emergency, I can tell them to leave. And those who listen to me are entitled to listen to me or not.


I know how to perform minor and major surgeries. I know how the chemicals work: Bicardine brute, Kelotane Burn. epi, tric, ino to create resurrection.


Of course

What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.

Seeking peace but ready for war”, meaning that a synthetic will avoid conflict, but if the situation forces a fight, they will fight. This is aggressive behavior, but is curbed in large scale combat. If a synthetic is present on the front lines, an additional law of self-preservation comes into effect to prevent the loss of a unit Simply put.

Final Info:

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?


Are you currently banned from our Discord?


Let us know why you were discord banned.

I I haven’t been banned yet

Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

You always know a Woking Joe


Ah, er… I don’t think I know any marines named, “Xeno”… As such, I can’t really say I’ve seen you around, so I’m going to give you a few questions to sort of gauge your understanding of engineering and medical.

Before anything else, though, please elaborate on what EXACTLY you mean by “Of course” under your knowledge of Requisitions. What exactly do you think you need to do and how do you do it?


  1. What EXACTLY does epinephrine do?
  2. What are the steps in performing both a hugged, chest organ repair, and chest fracture surgery simultaneously?
  3. What is UNGA, and what is it composed of? (More than 1 right answer)
  4. You see a marine taking constant oxygen damage using your health analyzer. Assuming you have no bodyscanner nearby, how would you diagnose what ailment the marine has?

Engineering (Keep in mind I’m no engineering player, so I may not be able to grade you effectively on this section)

  1. Requisitions has failed to deliver your metal because they are low on budget. What other ways do you have groundside to get metal? Tell me at least 2 different ways you could do it.

Name at least 2 things wrong with the positioning of these barricades.

  1. What is the best turret to take? There are no wrong answers, but you need to backup your claim with reasonable arguments.

Take your time with these questions, and let me know if you need clarification or any other kind of assistance.

If you want general assistance with medical, let me know around what times you play CM so that I can arrange a time with you help observe your performance as a medical role and perhaps teach you if there are certain things you don’t fully understand about medical.

Also, please work on your understanding of command. You don’t need to be a master, as you will likely never actually assume a command role, but you need to know how the Overwatch systems work and keep up with all the radio chatter in your many comms channels so you’re always ready to respond to any situation.

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1.Epinephrine In brief, prevents a person from dying and allows any surgery to be performed.
2. Scalpel, hemostat (optional, you can skip it), retractor, retractor (if the ribs are already broken, you don’t need to saw them), PICT (scalpel-like device), hemostat, green Advanced Kit (treat organs, you need several times, because organs are treated one at a time), retractor, bone gel (2 times if the ribs are broken), Bone Setter, Cauterizer.
3.Unga is just a mixture of all the medications into one. Kind of like an emergency injector
4.There’s only two options here.
Either he’s lost a lot of blood or his organs are dead (heart/lungs).
If you give peri and nothing changes, it’s not the organs.

  1. The easiest thing to do, as far as I’m concerned. It’s disassembling things, walls and items. It is also possible to put the necessary items into Autolat and get metal. Let’s say the same wrench.
    1. Top left. There’s a barricade protecting the mop and bucket. and by the vending machine. The barricade is defended against the Coffe machine
  2. I think, The one that spits fire. Damage all over the range is fine, except for Ravager and Queen. It’s more for defense, but if it’s for offense. It’s a regular one with bullets.
    Overwatch console work:
    You pick a squad and click on their names to look through them

Sorry, but that is incorrect. Epinephrine will NOT prevent you from dying. You’re likely thinking about inaprovaline, which will also not prevent you from dying, but it will cap out oxygen damage you receive from being in crit at 10. Epinephrine also only has slight painkilling properties, and it’s hardly noticeable.

Epinephrine simply buffs the healing that comes from defibrillating someone. So whilst the defib usually heals 12 brute, 12 burn, and a bit more of all damage types, a defibrillation on someone with epinephrine in their system will heal 16 brute, 16 burn, and the same amount of all damage types.

This is correct! Well done! You even skipped some unnecessary steps a lot of new docs fall for!

This is not the answer I was looking for, but you are correct. I’d simply like to ask you to give an example of one UNGA mix you would make. It can be one that you’ve already seen before.

There is technically one more cause of oxyloss damage, and that is being in crit. Unless the patient has been in crit for an insanely long time, however, this is rarely an issue.
I wouldn’t advise giving a patient peri to diagnose the cause of the oxyloss damage, though, since that can be slow and has a much faster alternative of simply checking the patient’s blood levels using the health analyzer.

Whilst I’m not sure what you meant by that last sentence, that is a great response nonetheless. Just keep in mind disassembly of walls can take quite a bit of time, so it may not be viable for emergencies.

Sadly, your first point was wrong, though it was heading in the right direction.
The mop and bucket cade was likely made in an attempt to protect against a possible flank into the cades from this wall here.

This, however, was arguably still misguided, but not for the reason you think. The mop cades could have been reduced to a single cade placed facing the wall one tile east of the wall itself, thus saving metal. Moreover, if the engineer was going to go for this strategy, more sections of the northern wall should have been caded as well, seeing as the area behind them are blind spots for defending marines.
The second point about the coffee machine cade is actually fine. That is how most FOB cades on that map look, and the coffee machine is not indestructible. Should the brave and stalwart coffee machine fall in battle, the coffee machine cade would serve as a last line of defense against the imminent xeno onslaught.

Good answer. That’s what most comtechs I know would argue.

Er, yes… You are correct, but I’d like to see a little more elaboration on the functions of the Overwatch system. How can you use it to support marines? How can it coordinate them?

I also still need elaboration on your knowledge of requistions, as well as the names of any human characters you play.

Overall, I’m sorry man, but I cannot give you a +1. Synthetics need to not only be good at their expected roles, but great at them. Don’t lose faith, though. From what I can see, you have made a concerted effort to learn these support roles, and with enough practice and learning, I’m sure you’ll be ready to be a synth in no time. As such, I will also not be giving you a -1, so that you can take the time to learn these roles and prove to me and everyone else here that you ARE ready for the WL.

Feel free to reach out to me if you want to set up a time to learn medical more indepth. Do note that my DMs are closed, so you’ll need to reach out to me on this thread, and that I cannot mentor in engineering, as that is the skill I am least knowledgeable in.

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  1. What’s your xeno prefix? And a marine name too… How can we judge your roleplay capability if we have no idea who you are?
  2. 2-paragraph long story is not gonna cut it, bro. It doesn’t even look like a story, more like a lore dump. And even then it has some funny typos - Seegson “Companies” instead of “Corporation” and “Almaer” instead of, you know, “Almayer”
  3. Your way of building sentences is… Kinda strange. You use dots instead of commas. Which is uncanny. Like. Really uncanny. And also. Somewhat weird.

This app looks like it was written by a Working Joe, and while I appreciate the effort - you’re applying for a synth, not a WJ. So, -1 from me

Say you Discord. I have question for you.


Who are you?, what you need here?


Please provide your Xeno prefix and playtimes list. To qualify for synthetic WL, you need to be well-proficient, and usually have good hours in support roles.

That, and besides, you outright stated that you pursue the WL simply to play Working Joe. While I can respect that, you definetly need to flesh out your baseline synthetic application more: Bravery does not apply to synthetics, as they do not feel emotions. So far, your described synthetic personality is pretty much non-existent and the story itself is bland.

I recommend seeking help from WL holders, granted there’s a channel for that in the Discord.

Solid -1 from me until you iron out the issues.

I would also like to point out from this app that zombara also really wants to just be a working joe seeing his/her’s past posts

(The WhiteList and Joe)
(Zombara - Synthetic Application)

This application is painfully under-baked in every aspect. I would strongly recommend withdrawing your application and reading through other approved/denied synth applications.



Honestly. I don’t need that whitelist on the Synths. For what interest is there in playing for them? I’m for one person. I can just play. And there’s no replacing Working Joe. I just need him, that’s all.


Then you should have applied for Staff because they bypass our WL and allow staff members to play working joe

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stop spamming in this thread please


Since this is being stated as the main point of the application and since there are still clear shortcomings in all categories of application, it is denied. If you wish to play WJ only, your options are to apply for moderator or simply play a pale, bald, mute MT. If you wish to make an actual synthetic character, feel free to use WL application help in discord, I would suggest looking at accepted applications and then using the channel to ask WL holders about if your answers to the application sections are up to standard.


Added synth:denied and removed synth:waiting