Discord Ban Appeal - blackcrystalic
What is your Discord ID?
What is your BYOND key?
Total Ban Duration
Reason for Ban
In begin video attached inmeme channel that broke rules, then changed to ban evade
prev appeals blackcrystalic - Discord Ban Appeal ; Nightwifore#1984 - Discord Ban Appeal ; (maybe plus one appeal on old forum, I don’t remember)
Just this > This time it’s last time. Like addict I trying to reappeal it.
Ah shit, here we go again…
I understand that I was wrong for evading my ban, and I want to take full responsibility for my actions. By attempting to bypass the ban, I not only disrespected the rules but also disrupted the community and the environment that had been put in place to ensure fairness and a positive experience for everyone.
What I did wrong was not accepting the consequences of my previous actions, which led to my ban in the first place. Instead of reflecting on my mistakes and improving my behavior, I chose to circumvent the system and rejoin the community. This was not only a violation of the rules, but it also undermined the efforts of the moderators and community members who work hard to maintain a safe and enjoyable space.
To improve my behavior, I will respect the community guidelines and the decisions made by moderators. If I ever face another ban, I will take the time to reflect on the reasons behind it and work on improving my actions rather than trying to avoid the consequences. Moving forward, I will prioritize being respectful, following the rules, and contributing positively to the community.
The Numbers (99 104 101 116 105 114 101 44 32 112 105 97 116 44 32 115 104 101 115 116 44 32 115 101 109 46 32 69 116 105 32 99 104 105 102 114 105 32 112 111 109 101 110 97 110 105 32 109 101 115 116 97 109 105)
Poem about what I did wrong in decimal
58 106 99 101 32 117 111 108 108 32 111 110 32 112 94 115 106 101 110 99 101 32 119 106 115 107 32 100 101 98 114 102 102 32 50 116 115 94 115 38 111 118 101 117 115 106 109 101 52 75 75 75 32 115 107 111 114 103 107 115 116 68 32 123 109 94 121 98 101 32 43 32 116 107 111 114 108 100 32 116 115 111 112 32 115 117 121 106 110 103 32 115 111 32 94 112 112 101 94 108 32 115 107 106 116 32 94 110 100 32 105 114 116 115 32 102 111 108 108 111 119 32 114 117 103 101 32 115 111 32 100 111 32 119 107 94 115 32 117 101 109 94 106 110 106 110 103 32 111 112 115 106 111 110 32 116 94 121 75 75 75 32 115 107 101 32 100 94 115 94 32 116 101 115 32 111 102 32 115 119 111 32 116 94 121 116 68 32 115 107 101 32 99 107 94 110 99 101 32 111 102 32 103 101 115 115 106 110 103 32 94 110 32 114 110 98 94 110 32 106 116 32 116 109 94 108 108 77 32 98 114 115 32 106 115 39 116 32 109 111 117 101 32 108 106 104 101 108 121 32 115 111 32 103 101 115 32 94 110 32 106 110 99 117 101 94 116 101 32 106 110 32 115 107 101 32 103 94 112 32 102 117 111 109 32 67 32 115 111 32 79 60 32 109 111 110 115 107 116 77 32 116 111 32 115 107 101 32 99 111 110 99 108 114 116 106 111 110 32 106 116 32 115 107 94 115 32 106 115 32 100 111 101 116 110 39 115 32 109 94 104 101 32 116 101 110 116 101 126