CM Old Peoples Home



Hello, I used to play SS13 wayyy back in 2011-12 and then I picked it up again in 2016 but pretty much exclusively played CM during that time. I was even a moderator for a bit. I donā€™t remember the APC / tank being used but being a soonā„¢ sorta meme. Aside from the regular LV map, there was a snow map and a desert/rock map that was still getting built out.

I definitely played CO a few times without it being a whitelisted role, and yes a damn good speech (that barely anyone paid attention to) in briefing was a necessity to rile up the apes. I remember the Req lines being an absolute shit show, fights would break out - but that was the only way you could get attachments whatsoever, and you were limited to requesting 2 or 3 items based on how the Req team were feeling.

Coming back now there are a lot of changes but it still feels very familiar. I certainly appreciate the hotkeys, I remember having to macro a LOT back then.


Gosh I remember this!


i remember when this was what it meant for the server to be lowpop



the github versions of the server also lack the actual sprites. i believe sprites for xenos are still handled off github

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What i miss were the days of Juro ordering banzai bayonet charges out of the rapidly collapsing fob


Full chat is just south park member berries

I miss mini scope on sadar


Remember when they tried adding capture points to Shivas for tech webs?


oh god, techwebs in general was awful. i took a hiatus when that was around and fully stopped playing. one of the worst periods in the game

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That was the one of the golden age of CM. Youā€™d sit by squad in the briefing room, and the CO would come out to talk about your plans and give you assignments. This was, of course, after you waited 15 minutes to be assigned a squad. There was the manditory flashing because some Unga would get up and try to fight the MPs. Some COā€™s would even put on an accent. I remember German and Japanese accidents/names being the most common, but I do recall atleast one round a CO who looked vaguely like Col. Sanders using a southern accident.

Old SS from 2015 because I used GYAZO and refuse to pay for my older screenshots/gifs
Edit: These SS are for ants apparently. thanks Gyazo!




ā€œmum give me royal jellyā€

I remember serving under captain juro, that man did not deserve to lose the whitelist, also techwebs was based and RTO was super fun to be the guy to call healing stims n shit down from the heavens

for my boomerism: anyone remember when charlie was green? I donā€™t remember what year but it was a few years ago, and only lasted like a round. Never Again


Juro still has his WL.




I feel old just by being here.


i miss the squad reqs a bit, it sucked to need to vend as an sl but having squads hang out with their squad mates like that felt like it boosted squad morale. sometimes squads would raid each otherā€™s reqs to steal attachies or start fights and it was fun.


The lockerā€™s with limited amourā€¦ oh god

Also Quick fire-adapted

no one was able to pump a shotgun as no one knew about macros


QFA my belovedā€¦ xenos knew fear back then lol. No amount of automatic fire MK2 will ever replace the sheer volume of bug clicking we had


Current CM is the best balance and the most fun gameplay the gameā€™s had since I started playing. Thereā€™s still a lot of things that need fixing but ever since morrowā€™s been in charge of development itā€™s been more routinely 2 steps forward and only 1 step back. The game generally is improving as we go rather than getting worse as had been the case at times before. (and talking with some old time devs was just, wow.)

The few things I miss (like lurkers being slow but with infinite stealth and actually resembling their namesake) pale in comparison to the multiple nightmare problems weā€™ve slowly done away with.

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Ah, these were the glory days. Everyone wanted alpha. we only used syndicate uplink guns cuz thats the only thing we had programmed. We still had energy guns! we only raided boxstation! The good old days.

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