DSLR - Sticky Ban Appeal

DSLR - Sticky Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Javon ‘‘ill-gotten’’ Nash

Type of Ban?

Sticky Ban

What is your Bancode?

multikey/ban evasion identifier

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration


Remaining Duration

stickybanned no idea about this one.

What other servers do you play on?

I didnt really play on any server aside from one which i dont remember. only really serious about Colonial Marines.

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

Im also banned on a timed ban in this server on CM-13 in this server.

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

I tried to open CM-13 on another account because I was selfish enough to not wait 7 days on my timed ban.

Links to previous appeals:

Your appeal:

Listen what I did was wrong. I think what I did already explains how far I have gone on the insanity spectrum. I liked goofing off and finding obnoxious builds and I really liked to do space LSD, and Alcohol mid fight and on duty. suffice to say thats a lot of reasons for getting banned. I have been selfish in the sense that I couldnt wait 7 days for my timed ban I understand that bypassing bans so as to fulfil my selfish needs as well as doing LRP behavior is terrible as well as islamaphobia (see links to previous appeals.) I won’t be doing stupid shit anymore because ‘‘I want to goof off and troll the game while beating the crap out of aliens’’ this stupid shit i define as doing bad shit that is senstive and will make the server as well as its community look bad in the media. I shall be representing my community properly and I wont be doing anything against the rules in the server. I know that promises mean very little in the digital sphere as anybody can make a promise and not follow up on it. but I only have my word and promise I can give that is full devotion to not breaking any rules. Im saying it again now summed up this time. What I did was selfish, I shouldnt have done it but I was selfish, I learnt my lesson, I shall not do it again.

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Hello DSLR.

I will have to deny your appeal at this time.

The reason for this are due to all permanent bans must stand for 180 days until they can be appealed, this is due to you having been found to be multikeying.

You may appeal this sticky-ban on the the 7th of February, 2025.

Before then, I highly encourage you to review our rules page, especially Rule 7 multi-keying, as to why you were banned.

You may also review the ban appeals and ban procedures pages at your discretion.

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Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting