egorkor - Timed Ban Appeal

egorkor - Timed Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Graham Maclagan

Type of Ban?

Timed Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration

7 days

Remaining Duration

7 days

What other servers do you play on?


Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

I have been long ago but I don’t remember anymore - for a long while I’ve only played CM semi-regularly, sometimes PVE.

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Links to previous appeals:


Your appeal:

I was spawned in as a larva and went toward the front because I was impatient, as larva evo takes time and since I wanted to pick defender it’d take me even longer to get to the front on account of its movement speed. I did not tunnel but instead walked across the entirety of the map because I knew that the path was safe (it was a 3 hour lowpop round and marines were mostly fighting by the FOB for most of the time I checked on them) and because I knew I would have enough evo points to evolve immediately after getting there - in short, I felt I would not break the larva rule in any way because precautions were taken.

After arriving to the front I hid away at a respectable 3-4 screen distance from the queen, who was at the marine cades, I took cover behind walls and toggled the hide verb to conceal myself to wait my final 10 ticks to evolve. At this point a praetorian walked by and immediately ran up to me and said ‘what the fuck larva’, ‘get out’. Knowing how annoying about non-issues xeno players can be and realizing no attempt at polite explaining would work (because he opened up with a verbal attack), I replied in kind, asking ‘are you daft’. Regardless of our catfight, I attempted to provide an explanation anyway, although rather incoherent in the moment: ‘I’m not walking all the way as a defender when I’m faster as a larva’. I evolved immediately, although I don’t recall if it was in his sight or if he left already, then went to fight at the front, got killed a few minutes later because I was protecting the new queen alone and was left for dead, and left to play another game waiting for the next round. Within the hour I reconnected to check the round progress to find myself banned for a week.

I don’t understand so severe a punishment over a trivial matter - I did not die as a larva, didn’t waste it on purpose, nor do I understand the ‘player’s history with rule 2/3 bans’ - unless my memory fails me, my latest note and or ban were from spring so cannot be escalated - why a weekban instead of a few hours’ or a day? Anyway, that should be all.

Appeal Denied

Hello @egorkor , after looking into your note history and responses to the questions posed to you, we have come to a decision.

The rule about leaving the hive as a larva is, and never has been a suggestion. If you choose to leave the hive as a larva for a reason not listed immediately under the rule you are subject to punishment.

If you believe procedure has been violated with your ban, you may make a staff report here: Staff Reports

Make sure to read our In Game Ban Appeals and Ban Procedures to avoid any confusion in the future.

Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting