Do you have a regular character? If so - what’s their name?
As marine= Synan ‘Polo’ Kal, As Xeno OA-T
Yautja Info:
What’s the name of your Yautja?
Ye’stba Ci’kaarth
What clan are you joining?
If minor: Give your clan lore.
Ci’kaarth Lore
Yautja Character Story:
A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?
If they are in a big group i would cloak away and stalk them one by one marking them. If they disturb an ongoing duel by barging in i would probably stun them as a warning and if they continue will probably mark them as dishonorable and kill them.
Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?
If they killed my prey that i marked i would check first if it was self defense or not. If thats not the case and the reason they give is not a reason enough to kill the prey i marked i would duel them to restore my honor.
My hours as of now on both Marine and Xeno
To add i have received a note not too long ago but the admin that noted me said most WL’s would ignore it so im posting it here. If it’s an issue that can’t be ignored please say it. If it’s like that i’ll probably wait for a month or so.
Hi, thanks for applying to the WL! I have seen your marine around and though I can’t recall any particularly strong memories I can’t say I can recall any negative either, which is great. I gave your story a quick read and it looked alright, but I’m mainly here to ask some questions about the WL if that’s alright
A member of your clan has died in battle, and was unable to activate their self destruct. Another Yautja says they’re going down to retrieve the body and place it in the pred ship burial room. Do you need to do anything here, and if so what?
What is the primary role of the pred ingame? Think in overarching terms, intentionally vague question.
Why do the pred huntable/unhuntable and dishonourable/honourable classifications exist in the pred HC, and how do they affect pred gameplay and it’s affect on the round?
Hello! I tried to answer them honestly with my personal opinions i hope the answers are sufficient Also thanks for reading the story. I tried to make it less than a text wall and more readable than the last one hope it was good enough
Depends on the situation if it’s like what you mentioned i would try to retrieve the body myself. If i can’t retrieve it, i would probably SD it if it can’t be retrieved by normal means. Because i can’t sully the clans honor.
I think its somewhat of an atmospheric role which makes the game more interesting and not predictable. Like you see Xenos all the time but not Preds they appear from time to time and they are really terrifying for someone whos seeing it for the first time. I remember my first time with them. I was an MP that round and we evacced with a pod with Warden. Warden got attacked just before the launch and was not able to make it and then i heard a sinister laugh from the dark and was really scared to go out of the pod then the forsaken came and killed me. Just like i mentioned they add salt to a meal thats already completed. Predators are not main characters of the rounds they are just there… They add complexity to the storytelling aspect of the game and make it fun for others to enjoy.
It really all comes down to the Predators power in the game they are really strong and have to be restrained to prevent chaos going on in the round and for the players own mental sanity of course. Imagine you are healing someone as a corpsman and some Pred grabs the marine you are healing , throws it to the wall and immediatly kills you while the frontline falls. Like i said in the previous one preds are not the main characters and have to abide by the strict rule set that is there to keep them in check. It would destroy the balance set between the Marine and Xeno side. Same thing goes for Xenos imagine playing queen and having your builder killed in a “Honorable Duel”. Bad right? If you take my opinion it makes the game run smoothly without making anyone suffer from preds.
Sorry for getting back to you so late, I was doing a lot of hiking the past couple days and didn’t have the time nor energy to write a response, but I’m here now.
The qualifications for honourable death at least in the terms of what you’ll be encountering on CM is self destruct and self destruct alone. You should pretty much always be trying to make sure your brother, your fellow clan member, is sent off by self destruct, and not interned within the Yautja burial room. I personally try to be the one to retrieve the body of any of my fallen clan members and prevent other Yautja from doing so, but it’s up to personal preference.
I really liked how you said predators aren’t the main characters of the round, which they aren’t. This is very important to understand, the enjoyment of the players as a whole will a lot of the time come at the cost of perhaps your own personal enjoyment, i.e. you being taunted in dchat for dying without SDing, but all the marines now having fun picking through your loot. Being able to tolerate this is a very good quality in a pred. I was also looking for the word ‘antag’ somewhere, but I feel like you answered the question adequately.
Your answer was alright. Pred isn’t meant to have a major impact on the round (unless someone decides to make an abom perhaps or defend shipside gear) but are to add to it. The restrictions are in place to make sure that pred stays as a character that doesn’t have an overwhelming impact on the round, and is sort of a side-quest for marines or xenos.
Overall I think your understanding of preds role in the gameplay loop and how preds behave is fairly good. You seem to understand the concepts of pred being a side show to the main event of the round in most cases, and to add atmosphere to the round. Overall, I’ll give it my +1, good job!
P.S. remember to capitalize your I’s!
Hello! While we appreciate the application; it hasn’t generated enough community support, either in forum or through whitelist members, to take any further.
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