Gusmal - Synthetic Application

Synthetic Application - Gusmal

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?

As marine Synan ‘Polo’ Kal / OA-T for Xeno / Ye’stba for pred

What whitelist applications have you previously completed?

Gusmal - Yautja Application Yautja app denied
Gusmal - Yautja Application Yautja app denied
Gusmal - Yautja Application Yautja app accepted
Gusmal - Fax Responder Application Fax Responder app accepted

Synthetic Info:

Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:


What is your Synthetic’s Personality?

Marco is an efficiency focused product made by W-Y. Unlike most models produced in the “teaching” field, he prefers to do things differently.He was made to teach rich people’s kids but after the bankruptcy of his owner he was sold to USCM. If I were to explain it, it’s the method that Socrates used on people to “Unearth” the wisdom inside people. It aims to ask certain questions to make the listener learn and think. Marco believes that creative minds such as the ones humans have can be made more productive. An example of this can be asking a lawyer “What is justice?” they will probably answer with something like “Good winning over evil.” Marco will probably say:”Is returning something that is lost to the owner good?”
Lawyer will answer: “Of course it is.”
“Then returning a lost weapon belonging to a murderous maniac might have some good in it?.”
Just like in the example both will be wiser than before and learn something new by thinking and asking questions. I imagine Marco as a teacher, philosopher, actor type because I love speaking to people about such topics. He is forgiving and easy going when he is teaching someone but as the saying goes “Asking something you don’t understand does not mean that you are disrespecting or ridiculing the one who is teaching but not asking something is.”
He draws a strict line on this part. Most of the time during R&R you can find Marco discussing with someone on another interesting topic and speaking from a higher teaching tone. Maybe If you ask him he will organise a special play at the mess hall.

How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?

Marco is the passionate teacher type that likes to have conversations to improve the one who he is speaking to. The subject of the said conversations can be philosophy, theatrics, ways to express yourself etc. . Marco believes that everyone can improve by using their inner thinking capability no matter the rank. The only thing that changes with ranks are the way to adress the person that Marco is speaking to. If someone is confused about a matter he’ll probably stop by to give some insight about the matter. USS-Almayer’s marines might lack certain things but they are humans in the end. Marco’s main aim will be to improve the people around him by making them think and question the situation they are in. The advertisement for the “Marco” model would probably be “Everyone can learn with Marco!”

Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?

I had applying to the whitelist in mind for a long time. I do love roles that have certain ways to help people and the synthetic fits that perfectly. If I were to give an example I do love playing ASO because you can do a lot of things with it. You can check on req, Intel, even help with CIC work. I do love talking to people while doing something that impacts the round flow that others find monotonous, with synthetic whitelist you can do both. Onto what made me apply at this time. It’s actually because I played and experienced the whitelist during the event that it was unlocked.

What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?

I actually do have two memorable interactions that I want to share.
One of which I remember the synthetics name and one of which I don’t.
First one was a Shiva’s round and I was playing FTL. It was also the round that I obtained my character’s nickname, given to me by the forum overlords. I was cut off while mapping the colony in cords format when I noticed Malcolm standing inside one of the security checkpoints. We had some small talk after which I asked the directions to the comms unit and the power. I tried to persuade him to help me out, which he accepted and fixed the power for me. I had like 3-4 runs where I returned to the checkpoint after escaping from the xenos that chased me everytime I fixed comms. I don’t remember what we talked about but it was fun.
The second one is a lot shorter and left a big impression on me on how I saw synthetics. I saw the Liaison that round. I don’t remember the synthetics name but they were probably a survivor synthetic. Like the usual drill I took the synthetic inside my office to question them about the colony. They sat down and started talking about the colony and how classified the ongoing research there was. They did ask me to remove my headset to prevent any information leaks. I should have known by then… I removed my headset and put it on the table after which they came around the table. I don’t remember what they said but I do remember them strangling me while saying “Your employment has been terminated.” I couldn’t even get out of the grab because of synthetics CQC skills. It was terrifying… As a CL I never looked at the synths the same after that incident. After I died the synthetic that killed me said in chat that they were sorry about that. I remember having a little talk in the chat. It was a sudden admin event that told them to murder the CL and was a good experience for me.

Synthetic Character Story:



I am familiar with engineering by muscle memory and most of the untalked stuff that people use. I know general stuff on how to fix apc’s/generators/using pacman’s. I do also know how to mess with doors using signallers. When I was playing CE I used to make sensors for important areas of the ship using signallers and motion trackers. I did even try to make auto closing emergency cades using airlocks which ended to be a disappointment but was fun. I see myself competent enough to teach others about it. I used to set up makeshift traps when playing as an IO to annoy xenos with fuelbombs. I do know how to make proper cades without wasting too much metal which can be sourced from the colony/barrels in maints.


I am familiar enough with the mechanics on how to command an operation and how to speak with announcements. It has to be simple yet explaining. I do know most of the stuff like using the keycard swipe machine inside CIC to change the alert etc. . I know how to load OB’s setting AA. I can safely say that I know the difficulties command faces in certain situations.


I’m knowledgable in medical to the amount of knowing the surgeries by muscle memory. I can guess the organ damage by using a normal scanner. I know which equipment is used as alternatives to the normal ones. I am competent enough in chemistry and can mix certain chems even using some personal mixes.


I might not have that much normal req hours but I do play ASO a lot which most of the time you are a glorified QM. I know most of the spawns on Almayer and how to use launching pads by cooperating with the overwatch. I know how to pack stuff and which one is better when buying spec ammo. I’m good at maintaining the req budget to use when needed.

What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.

As a synthetic I know this is not a combat role but if attacked you have to defend your own existence. I would personally mostly rely on marines protection on the combat part.
1: I’m patching someone up at the colony and a hugger tries to jump the person I’m treating. I would kill it.
2: In Hjack, a xeno tries to enter the pod I’m launching with a marine with me. I would attack it to make it go away.
3: A marine in crit that is being carried by a xeno to infect. I would check if the xeno is alone or not. I would not do this if this is at the frontline where marines fire, I could get shot by our own people. Not even mentioning that you can’t see behind resin walls and you could easily get destroyed there.
If the marine is being dragged by a xeno and the xeno is at the backline&alone where I can’t request anyone to help. I would hit one or two times to fend off the xeno then grab the marine and make a run for it.

Final Info:

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?


Are you currently banned from our Discord?


Let us know why you were discord banned.


Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

Hello! I just wanted to say thank you to the synthetic wl holders who played with me during the event. I really had fun.
About the story, I know reading stuff gets boring easily so I tried to make it better by using pictures to grab attention from the reader. Was my first time writing about a synthetic so feel free to judge me in the comments.

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my hours as of now

I really like the personality idea for Marco, it’s well thought out and really interesting.

Don’t feel a requirement to have a Magic Malcom kinda slogan, the more synth with a slogan the less memorable it is imo. Your gimmick is good enough :slight_smile:

I’ve interacted with Ye’stba as a predator before and found him an interesting and fleshed out hunter.



I like the personality, it looks more original compared to others.
Have seen you as an active player and an awesome RPer, playing support / RP roles more than combat roles.
Has a pred wl too and i’ve had enjoyable encounters with Ye’stba.
Good luck on your application!


Hey, wanted to know I was reading through your material and it looks like your story might have been cut off. If you could post the whole thing that’d be awesome, don’t worry about it being after the normal 3hr time frame for edits


the story should be fine check the categories at the left side of the doc maybe you missed that I did end it with the meeting arc

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Awesome thank you, I’ve never seen those tabs used before


Considering the entire synth council has been removed and is currently being replaced synth applications are currently going to be put on pause. It is nothing against you or your applications, just poor timing.

You are free to reapply as soon as the application process is restarted again.

This application is denied.