Harusha - Permanent Ban Appeal

Harusha(but this ban also includes Ckey federalreservesystemofcrypto and some other) - Permanent Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?

Harusha(but this ban also includes Ckey federalreservesystemofcrypto and some other)

Character Name?

I dont remember already, it was good amount of months ago

Type of Ban?

Permanent Ban

What is your Bancode?


Admin who banned you?

Not mentioned

Total Ban Duration


Remaining Duration

What other servers do you play on?

I dont play now really more, but TGMC is good, also Massmeta was not bad, but now this server is not up, and Aurora server is good. Its Bay12 server

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

Yes, I was banned from ru paradise a long time ago and somehow I wasn’t going to deal with it.

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

I don’t remember the reason well, but the original ban itself was a long time ago. The bottom line is that I made a joke about ERP there and it wasn’t considered funny. There was also a moment when I said the N-word. There has never been slavery in my country and in my region, so at that time I did not have such a negative attitude towards this word, but for a long time, after months of playing on foreign servers, I realized that there is such a culture here and these words are perceived very negatively, so I do not negate them I don’t use it. But I also used them not because I’m a racist or something, it’s just that when you grow up in a society where there has never been slavery or oppression on a national/racial basis, you treat everyone as equals, and these words are more like jokes. But since it can affect people of a different culture, I don’t use them at all, even indirectly.

Links to previous appeals:

1.Worldbank - Permanent Ban Appeal
2.federalreservesystemofcrypto - Permanent Ban Appeal
3.Harusha(Worldbank, FederalReserveSystemOfCrypto) - Permanent Ban Appeal

Your appeal:

Well, I do not know what evidence to give. First of all, this is the 4th time I’ve written this. Whoever came up with this system knows a lot about suffering, because it is easier and much faster to register a company with the tax service than to get a loan here. Secondly, as I said, I managed to play a lot on foreign servers and realized that there is a different culture here, where there is a very reverent attitude of national or racial insults and this is right, I just didn’t treat it so reverently before, now I understand this and in order not to offend anyone, I don’t even use anything indirect. Thirdly, I just want to play on the server and maybe I did something wrong, but the number of obstacles and all sorts of problems that need to be overcome in order to play again is terrible. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone else, let alone myself again. Because getting refusals and waiting 30 days to send an application again makes you sad, at least.

In short, I don’t want to have anything more to do with this bureaucratic process, so even if I am unloaded, I will do everything not to even risk a conversation with the administrator, because the number of problems is not worth it. I’m just going to play war, without any negative things like insults and EPP, even if some kind of negative flow is coming my way, then I’ll rather avoid it, but not get my hands dirty, so as not to get into problems with these applications and applications. This is the fourth application and it’s not normal, unpack me and I’ll never come back here. Even to get a job as a Google data engineer, you can try out once every 30 days. That is, you also have! Or you blocked me for insulting me forever, and for the same drunken brawl on the street you can be imprisoned from one day to 15 days, but not for a lifetime. Or if you got into a fight in a bar, then you will be kicked out and banned from entering for a while, but not forever, and you can negotiate there, but here it’s just terrible.

I’ve been writing applications for a year now and I was wrong. I don’t want to deal with this anymore and I will definitely change my behavior so that I never cross paths with you again, but just normally play a war game on a mortar, as I did before

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Hello, I’m an admin at MassMeta, and I’m here to provide a review of his behavior on our server.

He’s an average TG player, with his level of griefing falling within the normal range. Playing during low-pop times, he often takes on the essential yet mundane tasks(mining/sm setup/fixing holes) around the station when no one else is available to do so.

He’s known for injecting fun into the station’s events. One memorable instance was when he orchestrated a mafia scenario in the donut-like service area on Delta. This led to entertaining interactions with the crew, security, and antagonists, making that round particularly enjoyable. I found it particularly amusing when he hired engineers to establish a border between the station and the ‘donut’ zone, sparking complaints from security and resulting in conflicts. Additionally, his alliance with tots, exchanging cannabis for items from tots, as well as hiring civilians for dirty missions and compensating them with tot items, left a lasting impression. Overall, I consider him one of the standout players on MassMeta.

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Spoke to in DMs.
While I was hesitant at first, you seem like you fully understand what you’ve done wrong and I believe that you will not repeat it.
Appeal accepted.

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Added appeal:approved and removed appeal:waiting