io gaming
I already posted them elsewhere to prove a point so here you go
All my medals are from playing vehicle crewman and blocking queen (almost always dying in the process, but winning round)
Very nice medals bro
My first medal if I remember correctly, mind you this was many moons ago. Was issued by Victor “Beer” Kleiner. Reason: killing a xeno in the CL’s office. Good times
my first medal was from chen, purely because i carried about 15 bricks of C4. which impressed him, despite the fact we steamrolled and i never got to use them.
My first, last, and favorite medals. Feet are overrated.
Here’s a blessed one. A few months after I started playing Grandad every day and solo building FOBs. Maxina was one of the first to publically give me some thank you for my services round after round.
Thank you Max, it meant a lot.
My man. Good on you.
My medal as Clown Hunter General, Captain of the French Foreign legion, and Major of the GIGN