Mentor Application - chrismmar

Mentor Application - chrismmar

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):


Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

same reason I said so in my previous 2 attempts. I want to try helping out newer players more easily, answering Mhelps and seeing when a new private joins would really help me in this goal

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

Strength: engineering, medical, Piloting and DCC duties.

OK at: tactics for staying alive against xenos, running CIC, MP and ML topics, running cargo.

needs some work: IO, but that’s due to a lack of practice more than not knowing what to do.

How often are to able to play CM?:

almost daily, took a break from it but im planning on becoming more active in the future.

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:,

Anything else you’d like to add?:

NA: except i don’t really hold a grudge against the people who denied me the past 2 times, im willing to move on and start fresh, but that has to go both ways obviously.



from things discussed with mentors aswell as my personal experience with dealing with you i would have to say that you are nowhere near ready to be a community mentor, you hold grudges, you have a short temper, aswell as other concerns, due to such im giving this app a -1


If only by knowledge alone, i would maybe, be inclined to give you a +1, but, you had a history of issues in the past that you still cant seem to get over, you just came back and immediatly apply for mentor, while also expressing in some rounds i watched you that you hate or dont play CM anymore, so i dont get why you are applying if thats the case. I think you need some time to think about things, get over your issues with the game and dont apply as mentor out of spite, while also

Anything else you’d like to add?:

NA: except i don’t really hold a grudge against the people who denied me the past 2 times, im willing to move on and start fresh, but that has to go both ways obviously.

This is weird thing to bring up on your app, and i dont understand either why you mention its a both ways thing. You were denied previously for issues/drama and your own behaviour alone, disregarding feedback given to you, and making an issue with them for trying to help you out, and you came back and re-apply now that we are getting a different oversee while bringing up a grudge against the previous one? i really don’t even wanna get into the drama or whatever there is.

Despite that, I would really love to see you as a mentor, but, i think you need some more time and improvement in your behaviour. So for me, on this part is a -1. So count my opinion as neutral if you may.

I hope you dont take my comment as anything negative, and you continue to improve and re-apply in the future.


i brought up that part cuz i knew everyone else was gonna be bringing up the grudges part about my previous 2 mentor apps

and as for my grudges thing. ive been doing my best to patch up all the things to fix all those previous mistakes over time, but those things require other people to trust me, but hey, i dont make the rules here, ill just have to earn your trust other ways till yall can trust me with mentor.

-1 from me.

I think you need to have more hours, plain and simple. My reasoning for this is not knowledge or anything else, but because people need to know you have changed. It is easy to say you want to try helping out newer players, but people are still going to think about you causing an outburst. More importantly, your statement about a grudge - and the idea of a fresh start in general - is not helping very much. You need to show you have changed not just say you have changed.

The previous overseer also did not hold any grudges against you, they just didn’t think you would make a good mentor - and I echo that sentiment since I have seen no reason for you to change nor have I heard anybody express any signs of you changing.

TL;DR, and to reiterate what I said - you need to show change, not just say you changed. You do not have to be a mentor to teach new players, you do not have to be a mentor to answer questions and help people, etcetera. It helps, although it is not a requirement.


Not to echo what others have mentioned, but everything you need to know was already explained by them. I simply CAN’T believe that you will be a good mentor when you failed to hold yourself to even the most basic standards we expect from all community members.

I recommend you take a step back from applying to mentor and spend more time in game and in the community before trying again.

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alright alright i get the point, no one trusts me with mentor. i got the message, excuse me for trying.

and its kinda hard to intergrate into a community that has gone out of its way multiple times to screw with me in whatever way it possibly can, just to spite me.

heres an example: dealing with the past. - #18 by asbestosgremlin

Buddy no offense but you had a public freak out and posted DMs. You brought this upon your self.

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Self pity is not a good look. I honesty thought you grew up. I was wrong. Grow up.

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First of all, I appreciate the fact that you bothered to apply; not everyone is willing to step up to be a mentor. I not only respect what I perceive as a genuine attempt to improve yourself while also improving our community, but also how resilient you are despite the circumstances.

However, based not only on your application but also on the responses you have posted in this thread, I can clearly tell that your main issue is a simple case of victim mentality. I am sorry that you were harassed by other players in the past. If you genuinely think this is still an issue, then I don’t see why bringing it up to the staff is not an option. BUT, if this harassment and “community that has gone out of its way multiple times to screw with me” thing is no longer an issue, then WHY bring it up in the first place? You need to understand that painting yourself as a tragic victim when you are applying to be a figure that new players are meant to learn from is NOT a good look. I also can’t help but notice that out of ALL the feedback you received here and in the past, you only acknowledged the negatives, which can be taken as a sign of not being in the right mindset to take on the responsibilities of a mentor.

You are your biggest enemy here; maybe it’s time to retrace our steps and figure out where it all went wrong and start from there.


alright alright i get the point, no one trusts me with mentor. i got the message, excuse me for trying.

and its kinda hard to intergrate into a community that has gone out of its way multiple times to screw with me in whatever way it possibly can, just to spite me.

Was holding out posting on this app since I don’t really know you and I’ve heard nothing but negative things so I was waiting to see what happened or what you would do.

Seeing the above posts are enough for me to think you’re not mature enough for any position. The right thing to do is take it on the chin and try again in the future. All you do is prove your detractors right.

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my brother in christ all i did was point out that everyone was saying the same thing over and over again and pointing out why i struggle with following the advice of just “earn the community’s trust”. at this point i don’t even care about getting this mentor position because it seems that the mentality has gone completely 180 from my last 2 applications. ill just fucking withdraw my application if im going to just have the same 3 things said about me over and over again.

my previous mentor app had tons of support from most of the community and tons of +1’s from people who knew me and how well i could teach, but everyone here just wants to focus on the past, a past i have worked hard on improving on, not a single person here asked me anything about my skills of teaching or how i would teach anyone, its all just “your attitude sucks” and my attitude sucks cuz ive been treated like shit for the past 2 years that ive been on this server. whoevers in charge of these applications please just deny this shit already im not even gonna try anymore. this server just never fucking changes. i dont even know why i bother to keep coming back.

and for the record. i was refering to the last coment posted, mainly the one of the dude confessing that he metatargeted me with a pull request to remove the skull mask, im fully aware that entire situation was my fault and was full of miscommunications.

I have talked with some of my closer mentors in detail, will be writing my final reply in a bit. id like to keep this application open and apologize for my earlier outburst. clearly i havent changed as much as i wish I had thought.

I would like to start this off with a thank you to a close friend of mine, my old pal Jackson slapped some sense into this thick skull of mine and I thought I should explain why I reacted the way I did, but then I thought. you probably have heard my sob stories enough times in your life, so if you ever wanna hear the full story I’m always available in DMs.

anyway, enough about all that noise, I’ve heard you all. and I’ve seen a pattern in a lack of trust in me and my behavior, i get it, the outburst above is evidence of that, but I’m workin on keepin that from happening in the future, i already know this applications lost and aint gonna get accepted so ill just leave a few notes here for people to see if they ever wanna look back at me previous applications.

so yeah, I know my words don’t carry much weight behind em, but I promise to be better. I aint gonna let the past control me, the 2 years that I’ve been on this server have been rough since I decided to change my nickname to skullface, and that left me with a lot of bitterness, bitterness about how I was treated unfairly by my fellow players and staff. but that past, those people are gone, and yet, I’m still bitter, I’m still acting like I was back when I was getting pushed around, and that fair. not to anyone, yet I thought I was still in the right to be bitter. bitter about a chapter I had said was over. and then I took it out on everyone who gave their feedback here. all your trying to do (I hope) is make me a better person so I can become a mentor in the future, and to that, I’m sorry.

TL;DR: I’m an idiot, ignore the past 4 messages, I guess I’m just as schizo as always :slight_smile:
will do my best to follow your advice.

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just for clarification, are you withdrawing this application?

nope. I’m gonna do my best to earn everyone’s trust here.