Mentor Application - EmpressEri

Mentor Application - EmpressEri

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Eka ‘Madhatter’ Aimise, EK xeno prefix.

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

I’ve been around CM for over a year now, and in that time I’ve come to know the wonderful community, and built up quite a lot of knowledge about CM. I want to help new and old players alike with enjoying the game, to the best of my ability.

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

My strongest area is command roles, SL, XO, SO, etc. I have many hours in these roles, and I’m extremely experienced in all of them. This also includes JTAC knowledge, such as mortar operation, calling and firing OB’s, etc.
I’m very experienced in medical, mostly from my time as Corpsman, but I am very familiar with every level of surgery as a doctor, as well as chemistry.
I know ML and SOP to a tee, as well as the mechanical side of MP roles, such as setting brig timers, changing and making new ID’s, and the usage of all the different tools.
I’m also very experienced in the engineering side of things, with experience as CE, MT, Comtech, plenty as Bravo SL, and survivor to an extent.
I’m quite experienced in REQ, having played enough QM and CT to have all the know-how to keep REQ running efficiently.

In comparison, my knowledge of Xeno isn’t as significant as marine, although I do know enough to teach the basics to someone else, building, nesting, capturing, and how to use all the different abilities, with acid runner being the one I have the most skill with.
I also lack knowledge of OT and research, because I’ve never really played these roles. Playing as CAS is also something I lack knowledge in, as though I know the basics, I’ve never really found the time to get into it.

How often are to able to play CM?:

I’m usually playing at least a couple rounds a day, depending on various factors.

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:

Human hours:
Rifleman: 458 hours
Squad leader: 289 hours
Executive Officer: 167.2 hours
Survivor: 150.8 hours
Smartgunner: 147.5 hours
Staff Officer: 131.6 hours
Hospital Corpsman: 104.4 hours
Corporate Liaison: 72.9 hours
Weapons Specialist: 55.9 hours
Chief MP: 51.6 hours
Fireteam Leader: 49.1 hours
Combat Technician: 42.9 hours
Intelligence Officer: 35.6 hours
Military Police: 29.3 hours
Quartermaster: 17.5 hours
Mess Technician: 15.7 hours
Cargo Technician: 12.4 hours
Maintenance Technician: 12.4 hours
Doctor 12.1 hours
Chief Engineer:10.9 hours
Corporate Executive Supervisor: 6.8 hours
Auxiliary Support Officer: 5.9 hours
Military Warden: 5.8 hours
Veteran Honor Guard: 5.7 hours
PMC Leader: 4.9 hours
Corporate Trainee: 4.7 hours
PMC Corporate Medic: 4.3
Dropship Crew Chief: 4.2 hours
Nurse: 3.7 hours
Honor Guard Squad Leader: 3.4 hours
Provost Enforcer: 2.2 hours
WY Communications Executive: 2.1 hours
Combat Correspondent: 1.7 hours
PMC Xeno Handler: 1.5 hours
PMC Site Director: 1.2 hours
Honor Guard: 1.2 hours
CMB Deputy: 1.1 hours
Corporate Assistant Manager: 0.9 hours
Corporate Executive: 0.8 hours
PMC Corporate Technician: 0.5 hours
Corporate Division Manager: 0.5 hours
PMC Support Weapons Specialist: 0.1 hours

Xeno hours:
Runner: 7.0 hours
Spitter: 3.1 hours
Sentinel: 2.8 hours
Drone: 2.0 hours
Praetorian: 1.8 hours
Lesser Drone: 1.5 hours
Bloody Larva: 1.4 hours
Queen: 1.1 hours
Defender: 0.9 hours
Warrior: 0.4 hours
Ravager: 0.2 hours
Lurker: 0.2 hours
Hivelord: 0.2 hours
Crusher: 01.hours
Boiler: 0.1 hours

Anything else you’d like to add?:



Named empress 1 HR in queen -1



Eka is a very knowledgeable and skilled marine player, I haven’t seen them on xeno but I believe their knowledge in marine roles will be very helpful for assisting new players

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I see Eka almost everytime i play, and i can vouch for their knowledge and skills. Never had any bad experience with them, always good and fun to roleplay with, and no doubt they are knowledgeable in most marine roles, they are a very competent player and willing to help new players.

I’d like to see you hop in the hive a bit more and get a few more hours at it, but other than that, I think Eka will be a great addition to the Mentor team. +1


I am not going to lie Eka I was not expecting this from you. This is definitely a +1 from me.


Enormous +1 for Eka

I’ve never known Aimise as anything other than kind, knowledgable, and patient, even at the worst of times. They would make a beyond amazing addition to the Mentor team, and would be an enormous benefit to the community. So so happy to see them volunteering to make the lives of new players that little bit easier!


ML Knowledge :white_check_mark:
RP and Interactions :white_check_mark:
Active :white_check_mark:
Competent :white_check_mark:
Inspired, motivated and someone with guts to make future events :white_check_mark:
Community support :white_check_mark:

I wasn’t quite expecting this, but i am glad you stepped it up, as far as i can see you are a great addition to the community as a whole, can’t wait for your minor events…



Fun to RP with, has a lot of knowledge gathered from her vast hours. Helpful individual.



You submitted the wrong application Eka, this isn’t the CO form…

Look at your xeno hours, you probably don’t even know how to make a pylon, how you gonna help out Young Drone XX-420 when they ask questions?

Do you know the answer to these potential mentor help questions?

  • Hi I’m a new Queen and I don’t know what I’m doing, how do I build a hive core?

  • I see other xenos swallow up humans and carrying them away, how do I do that?

  • This is my first round as a xeno and everything is so dark, how do I pickup this flashlight and use it?

  • I’m trying to acid down this reinforced wall as a drone but it’s saying my acid is too weak? How do I get strong acid.

  • Yo where are all these people getting shark plushies from? Where do I get one?

  • Hello I am a drone and everyone is yelling at me to build a pylon here but I don’t see that in the build list?

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I’ve denied applications just on the basis of poor xeno knowledge so I’d suggest during the time your application is up you use the time to vastly expand your xeno experience and demonstrate some of your knowledge here on the application.


Eka I love you! and I do think you will be an amazing Mentor. However-- I have one key concern.

From my time knowing you, I have noted that you do have outbursts for this game when things don’t go the way you intended. So I suppose, I want to see an improvement in that regard before I can give any support.
This comes from someone who who wants you to have Mentor, but I am simply uncertain if you’d be the right fit if you do not find a way to address that part of your behavior.



1: I would first ask if they see the button at the top of their screen that says “order construction”, describing it as an icon that looks like a green puddle. Then I would tell them that to build a hive core, they must click on the icon, then click on the option to build the hive core specifically. Once that’s done, click on the under construction core on Help intent to finish it.
2: I would tell them that they need to be first have a human down, stunned or tackled. Once that’s done, simply click on yourself when they are still grabbed, and stand still.
3: Xenos have night vision, which can be turned on/off/half-vision in the Alien tab, under the “Toggle night vision” verb. I would also tell them that Xenos don’t need light sources, and should in fact get rid of any light sources to help in hiding.
4: If they are playing a caste like drone or hivey, it’s simply a case that they are not a strong enough caste (Like Spitter, Boiler, etc) to melt it. I would tell them that they would need to ask one of these castes to come and help them.
5: Plushies are unique to marines, and I would tell them that they can add it to their marine inventory when they next play as marine, by going into the character setup, and adding it to their custom loadout, under the plushies subcatagory.
6: Pylon’s are clusters that are built on comms towers, and of course they need to be built under “order construction”. I would tell them they need to middle click after selecting “order construction”, then build a cluster near to the comms tower. Then, they would need to click it on help intent, to complete it’s construction, once they have enough plasma. After that, it should turn into a pylon automatically.

Also sorry I took a bit to respond, I was quite sleep deprived when I first saw this.


I know that I already have said my peace here, but I feel like this is important to add. In the last two days I have seen Eka playing nonstop Xeno. To me this show commitment and taking feedback that has already been given and stands out to me massively.


I’m satisfied with how you’ve answered the questions. The entire time I’ve known you on the server you have always been a robust player with great mechanical knowledge and excellent roleplayer who I’ve never seen grief or break rules. I think you can be a perfectly fine mentor helping the next generation of privates. Be sure to pump up those xeno numbers a tad during this application and be sure to post an update of those hours in a week or whatever, showing your commitment to being a mentor. Best of luck! +1


Eka is a solid and well known player in the community +1


Iv’e been stalki- watching you as observer for a while now, mostly because I believe our timezones clash like crazy so I had to stay up. I was quite happy with your performance!

Now some beanos questions because it’s your weakest point.

  • Why do I glow random colors as Ravager?
  • I need some help with capping people, I kinda suck at it.
  • Marines keep pushing my walls, what’s a good wall formation for a hivey???
  • I don’t understand how the larva queue works, it just spat me from 2nd to 5th???
  • I heard crusher can do a lot of cool things with buildings etc, what are they???
  • What the hell is a King??? What it do??

Surprise human questions.

  • How do I set up camera networks??
  • I need to know if CLF are under marine law and if we can appeal???
  • I just saw CAS bomb pulling xenos IN, how the hell does that work?
  • How do I self destruct the ship?
  • The hell is fuel levels?

Answer all as if you were in game.

Additionally I have seen WestRovers concern for your temper, expand upon that for me.

These questions may be a lot, but it will give us a insight on how much you improved xeno wise and how comprehensive you are human vise.


She’s practically a walking Marine Law Bible. +1

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Very knowledgeable player. I don’t see any reason that EmpressEri should not be allowed to be a mentor. They have plenty of information that they have learned throughout their time playing the game, and would be an asset to the community. +1!!!


I heart Eka. Always a joy to be around. I’d happily and finally learn ML from her. Teach me wise one!

+1 In all seriousness, Eka is an outstanding player and I feel future generation of Ungas would be blessed to be instructed by her.


A great player, a greater friend, and an even better question-answer. Knows MarineLaw to a t and can RP well.

However, as your lack of xeno hours has been noted, I’ll ask a few questions related to xenomorphing. (Answer as if you were responding to a mhelp.)

    1. Why do I heal so slowly on weeds?
    1. What are pheros and why are other xenos asking me to emit them? How do I do that? What do they do?
    1. I saw another xeno move a marine over an egg and then pin a them to a wall, how do I do that?
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