NessiePendragon - Commanding Officer Application
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
What is your timezone in UTC?
Player Name You Use Most?
Gokcen Demir
Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:
No any kind of ban or application.
Have you been banned in the last 3 months?
If so, why?
Command Knowledge:
How familiar are you with command positions?
I am very familiar with XO, SO (100hr.), and CMP (30hr.). I know Commander’s routine, what others can ask of them, and their limits in the ML, server rules, and SOP. I also know CIC consoles, computers, and their features.
I don’t have playtime as RO, CMO, and CE. But I know as well their routine and their place in the SOP.
Hours in XO:
I currently have 50 hr. as XO.
Hours in SL:
I currently have 54 hr. as SL.
Character Information:
Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?
Gökçen was aiming to pursue an academic career as an officer in Sol and become an intelligence officer like her parents one day. She had seen war as it was portrayed in books most of the time, giving her a specific mindset about how battles were fought. While serving on frontline military vessels, she hadn’t experienced more than a few pirate attacks. It wasn’t until her fateful transfer to The USS Alistoun did Gökçen ever fire her rifle for the first time in combat.
While stationed with The Dust Raiders’ flagship, she took part in several engagements against forces of The Colonial Liberation Front, including the suicide attack of the USCSS Corrinus where she was proved her skills as a Platoon Leader, ultimately leading a counter attack after her Platoon had stalled the enemy. Her dedication and hard work paid off after being recognized for this battle, as she was soon promoted to the rank of Captain, replacing the late XO.
For the first time, she had tasted the brutality of war. The mangled bodies, the screams of the injured - it was horrific. Yet when the dust had settled, there was a special feeling of comradery and warfighting spirit for the Marines and Gökçen. They had won. Throughout the coming years, she would constantly petition to be placed in more frontline vessels to participate in combat. Having tested her combat leadership skills, Gökçen realized that there was a burning desire deep inside to keep the fight going.
How did your character attain the position of CO?
After examining post-op reports about USS Alistoun and letters of recommendation from her superior officers, High Command has found her eligible to promote.
A few weeks later, she received a letter from High Command to go aboard Chinook 91 to receive her new rank insignia with a “pinning” ceremony by Major General Maverick. Upon this letter, she met with her Commanding Officer to appoint an Executive Officer to replace her. She prepared her service dress and set off for the Chinook 91 with the Military Police team that brought the letter.
Provide a short story of your CO.
Gökçen Demir’s biography, service record, and some extra.
Command Actions:
When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?
I would be very strict about pardons. Pardon has to be solely used to bypass some procedures and regulations for operational benefits and player experience. Besides, I think most of the cases can be solved with appeals. I am not there to legalize a crime but represent the common sense and spirit of the law.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.
I would use pardon for following situations.
In a lower-level offence such as two marines were arrested for hitting each other with chairs in briefing, I may use pardon if I feel there was a misunderstanding. If it happened to be an officer that ordered their arrest, I would first talk with the officer before making a decision.
If the prisoner is an engineer, spec, or medic, I can pardon minor and major crimes for the sake of operation if they are genuinely regretful, apologetic and have a low chance of re-offending.
I would not use pardon for following situations.
- I wouldn’t pardon any criminal without first checking and investigating the entire situation, I can ignore the prisoner no matter how important they may seem. Intent is the key.
- I would never pardon someone for capital crimes regardless of their intent.
When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?
Gökçen commited to preserving the chain of command, believing it is vital to any operation and breaking this chain is an unpardonable crime for her. She knows that if a marine desperately disrespects or even assaults his commander, it would affect the chain of command adversely by creating a domino effect. Following that, this marine would not listen to orders from XO and SL during the operation, placing himself in an unrecoverable situation and causing the death of himself and many fellow marines who tried to save him. She wouldn’t put her Battalion in peril just because a thug tries to make himself look cool by disrespecting his commander.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.
Shoving, insulting, or even worse, hitting a CO in briefing is a valid cause for me to Battlefield Execute that personnel. However, I wouldn’t pull out my mateba without saying a word, or warning rather and, I would ignore missclicks. Intent is the key.
(This is also an obvious LRP indicator and the player has to be punished to maintain the roleplaying atmosphere.) -
If any personnel under my responsibility, including me, is in serious danger, or the integrity of the ship is threatened by bombing, I would not hesitate to end the threat decisively in case of MP’s are unmanned/incompetent.
I would BE any officer who knowingly and willingly ignored or refused my orders after understanding his intention. I wouldn’t make him charged with NoD, chances are he would be return with a grudge.
When it comes to examples of I would not use Battlefield Execution;
If I am witnessing an event that I think is not malicious, like marine vs marine fight, if their guns are holstered I would simply ignore or delegate MPs to handle it.
I definitely would not BE any private or new player. However, as I stated before, intent is the key.
I would not BE any suspect has been already detained by MPs, since it would be plainly CoC breach.
If there’s too many innocent parties or persons on my sight, I would belay or ignore his demerit to avoid collateral damage.