Office Of Small PR change.

Post you wish for a small change you want to see ingame but you don’t want to invest time doing it.
1-what you want change.
2-why it make the game better.

I am interested to do small PR to improve QOL for peoples…
SMALL PR only also please don’t meme. :heart:

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I’ve actually been keeping a list of things like this that I’d change or add

Frankly it’s disorganized and probably not full of great ideas, it’s just in the moment things I jot down and don’t really think much about

when preds fistbump a marine it should break the marines arm

whistles should have an attack sound and a retreat sound instead of just 1 and which sound depends on whether you double click or single click the whistle so its easy to use

m276 combat toolbelt should fit more mags and clicking should open it, not draw the pistol (E-draw etc should still work) so you can easily get your tools out
M276 combat toolbelt should be available normally like any other toolbelt, not for 15 points out of a couple exclusive vendors and not even available in req, at the very least it needs to be available to jobs that might use it, like IO

first responder pouch should be 5 slots, and include a re-usable stabilize EZ injector in it - something like inaprov with dexalin+

delete MRE’s that only have matches and cigs left inside them and are dropped on the ground (maybe just remove the matches and cigs entirely not even 0.001% of players use them)

flare husks should just delete and not exist

toolkits and medkits should go back to holding small misc. items like MRE’s, papers, and so forth; let players decide what’s important to put in them

walking through fire should slow mobs like weeds slow mobs, not from damage, but as a tile effect

health scanners need to show medics brain and eye damage so they know when to use alkysine/imadalozine

health scanners should automatically tag people orange/red/black depending on their injuries

alkysine/imadalozine should be available in medic vendors so that they have all basic needs for their job covered; leave medbay drugs to specialized niches

add screaming parrot sound effect as easter egg

ctrl+LMB click on a gun should switch between burst, automatic, and semi-auto like it does for 56D turrets; consistent and useful

revert changes done to NVG’s so they’re back to the old appearance and usage

remove click delay from grabbing tools out of toolbelts and other stored locations

basic ammo should be infinite on the almayer; filling crates of magazines and loose ammo shouldn’t take as much time as it does; remove the click delay on grabbing mags and putting them into boxes

Click delays across the board need to be removed except in the few situations they are preventing exploits - like super fast throwing knives which were the reason click delay was added in the first place and which is ironically still possible but now we also have click delay literally the worst possible way this could have worked out

type 73 pistol should be more accurate as it trades magazine size for more damage per hit

The cosmetic headset item needs the forward and rear facing sprites reworked so they look correct with more hairstyles (probably just needs the inside pixels next to the head shaved off) similar to what was done with the walkman
cosmetic headset need to fit in the ear slot
should also add headset as a sprite overlay for hats and helmets when placed in them

add some kind of reverb or something that makes the ingame walkman feel more like it’s playing in game and not on your computer
add muffled beat loop for people who walk next to someone playing music on walkman, not actual song, just a 3 second beat on a loop: Vocaroo | Online voice recorder; Vocaroo | Online voice recorder; Vocaroo | Online voice recorder

increase RoF of semi-auto and full auto on 56D so they’re equivalent to burst fire RoF

Let welding goggles be flipped down over eyes from worn hats

tube NVG’s should be wearable by themselves on the head

When suit storage and backpack slots are open, weapons (if not all, then particularly anything with a magharness which doesn’t work in backpack slot) should default to suit storage slot first, and backpack slot second and not the current way which is the reverse of that

storage object/vendor for holding fob supplies instead of scattering a million boxes on the ground

Storage hatches on the sides of the alamo that can hold crates, vendors, backpacks, etc.

Items when pulled out of a storage container should ‘remember’ what container they were pulled from and go back to the same spot if you press E with it in hand to return it

to give pistols greater utility, you shouldn’t drop them when stunned

G-41 flamethrower fuel tanks should come in the flamethrower kits again

Runners and other xenos shouldn’t be able to push marines faster than they can pull them

Staff officers need tacmaps on their consoles again
Staff officers need a message of some kind letting them know when comms are down

The little mannequin in the bottom right corner of the hud should have cuts on him where you’re bleeding so you can more quickly see where to bandage at a glance

I just started writing this stuff while I’m playing because there’s always these little things I think, “this could be done so much better” and then I forget about it 20 minutes later.


I want the same doors as req, in the CL’s office. MT’s shall have to go through the hard way to get the drip.

Req doors can’t be hacked. CL’s doors can be hacked


this as a shoulder patch


Click delays across the board need to be removed except in the few situations they are preventing exploits - like super fast throwing knives which were the reason click delay was added in the first place and which is ironically still possible but now we also have click delay literally the worst possible way this could have worked out

This, I hate that crap.

storage object/vendor for holding fob supplies instead of scattering a million boxes on the ground

We do, it’s called the req tent, but it’s so rare that a CT deploys and organizes stuff.

Staff officers need tacmaps on their consoles again

Was this recently removed? I believe they have tacmaps on their consoles.

When suit storage and backpack slots are open, weapons (if not all, then particularly anything with a magharness which doesn’t work in backpack slot) should default to suit storage slot first, and backpack slot second and not the current way which is the reverse of that

Items when pulled out of a storage container should ‘remember’ what container they were pulled from and go back to the same spot if you press E with it in hand to return it

Stellar ideas, would be a huge boost to QoL.

One of my things is for the liaison’s briefcase so be seen from the other side. As it stands, if you’re facing to the left and the briefcase is in your right hand, you don’t see it at all.

new stuff for liaison such as blazers and maybe a secretary

You basically are the secretary

Re-add squad comms to liaisons’ headsets.

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Give Queen a function that lets her destroy resin remotely, in the same way she can build it. I can’t comment how much work it would be but holy fuck does it annoy me trying to build around drones that don’t know what they’re doing or when I accidentally misclick on the other side of the map and now this wall is fucking up the feng shui of my defenses.


Allow the peace flare to be able to be clipped to a headband.

Allow the poncho to be able to be clipped to a jacket.

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i mean CL secratary would be a pretty fun RP role. But i can also see the CL having an intern be fun as hell. Just some lacky they can abuse.

To my actual wishlist

Option in the setup character menu to chose “squad specific helmet feather”. Why isnt that a thing yet?

Re add old NVG but keep the new NVO. Make the NVO cheap and a few avalibel at REQ, while making the NVG expensive and not aviabel to buy more at req like before. The NVO are straigth up a worse version of the NVGs. You can only wear them on helmets, instead of every headwear with an inventory slot. You need tools to get them out( meaning you need to waste room on a screwdriver just for that. Its only littel space but a lot of roles dont need a screwdriver at all.) And you can only recharge them in charger board, wich means only at the FOB most of the time. NVG you can recharge everywhere when you have a baterie with you, and even then there are enough batteries around that you dont often need them.

Give the OT a casing for custom airburst nades. That one would make you my favorite person ever.

Adding boxes out of cardboard you can store mortars in. Make it cost 5 cardboard and hold 6 shells for exampel. Every Req player will thank you for that

Boot MREs. Allow players to put MREs in boots. Played a bit of TGMC and noticed you can do that there. Just a fun thing.

Give the ASO quarters light fixtures. Only desk lamps in there that are off by default. Or switch the desk lamps to be on by default. Both would work.

Give the ASO vendor large document pouches. Would be very usefull, being that you often need to handel intel shipside as ASO.

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No allow it to be clipped to your armor and all other flairs

Imagine the drip

fog horn on dropship for PO to honk at marines


rolling credits at round end with everyone’s character and the job they had


can’t you use shutter to close your office? i guess maybe a button to close it from the outside?

i am going to say no to that seem weird that CL have access to squad coms…
you can give some marines your radio line to report info to you if you want…
you can also probably ask req for them if your really want them?

interesting idea it deserve it’s own forum post i think as it’s way to big for me…

UPP LMG should shoot through people/walls with a higher projectile velocity and higher rate of fire

For a GPMG it’s really weak, weaker than the Type 71 pulse rifle even

also shooting thru people (literally) just makes sense as the UPP version of a smartgun

delete MRE’s that only have matches and cigs left inside them and are dropped on the ground (maybe just remove the matches and cigs entirely not even 0.001% of players use them) - Wintermote

Speak for yourself, I have a cigar with me every every mission… though I do just get a matchbox from the machines…

Hu, oh right, a change I want to see; Can we please make it so that within maybe two or three spaces Marines who run in front of you don’t just instantly eat the shot instead? I’m tired of missing shots because rookies jump in front of you and getting shot in the back because they don’t understand a firing line…

I have two suggestions. The first is to fix the buttons in the CL’s private quarters. So, if you don’t know, there is a button at the top of the room near the windows and two near the right door. All three control the same set of shutters (for the window and door). I would like to separate them. The button at the top should only control the window shutters while the door buttons should only work on the door. I hope that makes sense.

The second is to re-add the Almayer camera network to the CL’s camera terminal. It was removed during one of the camera PRs. The CL can then spy on the crew from the safety of their office once again (very in character for the role).