Opinions on how to rework the APC or add other vehicles

I feel like if we gave it an M2 everyone would complain of the FF. Has to be an m56d. Slow rate of fire, narrow arc. Maybe do something similar to the tank where it takes time to swivel, thus making it a bad pick for combat.

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yeah ideally a halftrack type truck would just have a gun for killing harrassers

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in a recent they had a shrunk down tank listed as a ā€œlight tankā€ but the weapons reminded me more of an IFV so why donā€™t we add an IFV or something similar?

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So following an HVH round where I played a UPP CT, who then had to deliver everything via truck to the front and back, I can say with 100% certainty that it may be interesting to see the truck implemented to the USCM and make it so that req can only ever deliver drops on the FOB, and not the frontlines.

This means that if command wanted supplies delivered to the front, you could have a VC (Maybe even have a CT do it) drive it up to the frontlines with the truck, while also transporting wounded back in forth. In fact, you could even just have the doctor set up in there, and now youā€™ve got an unarmored, non combative mobile triage bay.

Just a thought, as I really enjoyed having to transport supplies from point A to point B


If someone wanted to remake Geeves old PR that removed droppods from req and added a van that CTs were expected to use to resupply marines I would be fine with trying it again. Fair warning, it would be tested pretty hard and thereā€™s definite possibility itā€™d be a no.

On the APC:

The APC is an amazing set piece that fits the setting and drives home that yes we are the USCM. I like the concept of the APC.

The APC being a frontlining, bodyblocking, mobile wall that runs over people is an issue. It just doesnā€™t fit neatly into the gameplay loop without just pissing everyone off. And the final nail in the coffin, the person who was maintaining it sadly could no longer work on it.

So to make it easy, maybe one day itā€™ll come back. Weā€™d need someone dedicated on it and ready to radically change the design of it and I canā€™t think of anyone who could (or would want to) undertake that off the top of my head.

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How about remove APC and add halftracks (3x2 tiles).
Transport Half Track: Focuses more on transporting marines from FOB to Frontlines(xenos can hit everyone in it But marines can shoot outside)(no gunner just extra driver).

Requisition Truck: Focuses on moving crate from Req to FOB to Frontline.
(Geeves old PR)

Med truck: a Doctor or Corpsman can stay at the truck to stabilize or revive the marines


How about make it a Tier 3 - 4 unlockable in the intel. The one who upgraded the intel gets the paper work/Key i.e. Jtac pamphlet or engineering pamphlet. In this case this will be ā€œDrivers Licenseā€. Allowing the aCO to choose who will drive this.

I donā€™t think just giving the guy who purchased the intel unlock (which can be in fact anyone from the CE whoā€™s name I do not want to spread here (Good, I want to do that, but I donā€™t do it) to the random IO who does not know what intel points are but thinks, a big bodyblocking APC would be cool) a tool to make some random unga owner of the big bodyblock thing, and I donā€™t think it would be very realistic that some guy who just completed bootcamp becomes a trained operator of the shipā€™s IFV.

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Making a vehicle reliant on unlocking it via intel and/or research is a recipe for disaster. Its one thing to lock away very powerful guns behind higher tech, its another that any random can just take control of one of the more mechanically difficult and game ending units.

I donā€™t know why the APC was removed (thanks for my 2 year absese) but if the problem was it being too disruptive to both sides, just do what otherā€™s have suggested for a long time and make it a smaller vehicle that keeps its occupants exposed instead of hidden in another dimension.

Making the gunners seat just be the second Tank Driver with a M41A instead of some special gun.

Bam, you have a APC that can ferry wounded people back to the FOB somewhat safely, and can move supplies to the frontline. But its not so big or do disruptive that a bad driver will ruin the Marineā€™s push.

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Iā€™ve done this on LV-624 as a comtech.
I can confirm, it is actually a very large boon to the operation delivering via van, for multiple reasons.
One, you will never have the issue of giving req coords, and then falling back and having your drop behind lines.
Two, you DONā€™T have to worry about coords.
Three, when they van GOES to the front, and you offload crates, its very easy for the ungas to load up dead and wounded in the van to be sent back to fob.
Overall, its very effective and has a lot of pros, while still being balanced because while yes, it ruins the complexity of supply drops and managing them, it adds new complexity in actually NEEDING to reinforce supply lines, as well as protect the van to insure that it isnā€™t destroyed.

Those who still want supply drops, perhaps they are something that could be intel locked, but thats just spitballing. If a round stalemates, their is a good chance the van has been destroyed, so giving a second option to be able to fall back to would be nice. I also think adding the van would likely boon CT roles, however it could cause issues with people wanting to drive, which is why I think it still should be another role under supply, instead of a CT. Perhaps a Logistics Sgt.

Also, just something Iā€™ve noticed, the backroom in req is literally a vehicle loading bay. It is the perfect size for a van to pull into and be loaded, so it shouldnā€™t be that difficult to implement.

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Idea to fill APC slot: Jeep with driver + shotgun passenger

Optionally: a M2C gunner open-air slot,
2 person stretcher trunk,
or a command slot with a phone and tacmap

Jeep would be 2x2 not 3x3
and all passengers are able to be hit while on it*

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Shotgun passenger? Maybe some cool gimmick, like gunner for the M2C variant, quasi-medic for the medical version or tacmap and sensor operator for the command jeep?

Passenger seat so so lower enlisted can transport officers / SLs / medical staff, M2C to be a mobile hit and run, and a medical transport faster and safer than nude rollerbed chads.

Command center based similarly to APC and irl equivalents- see image

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Thought Iā€™d give my 2 cents on this dead thread, seeing as Jeser loved and hated the way i played with his creation as the ramming APC solo driver.
Ive said it multiple times, if you want to make APC supportive, give it more variety. If you want marines to not be run over or xenos being blocked give APC more mid range weapons, I know there were 3 types but itā€™s always the same loadout. Last I checked its guns only did 12 or 16 dmg. Ive personally asked this to Jeser when they were still around but i feel making APC mobile mortar would be great maybe nerfing it so it only fires non custom shells. Or just generally giving marines buffs, or being a giant motion detector for marines that are around the APC discouraging drivers from just driving everywhere being an engineers worst nightmare.
If you want players to stop hating APC being around them, give them something that makes it better to be around, and possibly provide a secondary objective to marines to keep it alive and help each other.

I know this arguement just sounds like im making APC a glorified motion detector/flag post but it really does seem like APC could provide more to the table, even if marine and xeno players dont know it.


APC being a supply/medical/IO point transport always made a difference. Combat APC seems to be what rubbed the wrong way

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It sounds good on paper, but in all my time playing APC driver no one ever seems to want take a ride, even if they know it has supplies in it, Only those that the medics drag inside as a safe haven from the runners and lurkers outside.

(This next part is just a personal gripe)
Dont get me wrong, i belieive transport APC supremacy but whats the point of having a mobile resupply vehicle if it doesnt come pre supplied? To me its just a hassle of grabbing a crate or two, stuff it full of ammo and guns then go into the APC to restock it just to have marines ignore it and walk back to FOB. Im just saying itā€™s a waste of time on everyoneā€™s part if something is done but nothing is used.

If were going to bring old med APC back you could have so the doctor can only do surgery on a non moving APC, forcing players to side with the doctor so the driver cant just keep moving unless thereā€™s a threat trying to get inside. Or make surgery twice as long (i havent played doctor in forever i forgot how long surgery takes now) when APC is on the go encouraging the driver to atleast slow down and think before they waste everyoneā€™s time.

CMD APC just sucks in general. Just a glorified motion detector, i dont think theres any saving it as is.

An addition to APC i feel you could add is a speaker that the driver or gunner can use when comms are down to alarm marines instead of just using the horn that everyone assumes is to just get the hell outta the way.

I know the stuff im suggesting is to just make APC a sitting duck but if you want to discourage the APC from frontlining you should atleast force players to follow some rules if you wanted to be the support the marines need.


Imagine necroing this thread after one and a half month. Itā€™s so over for the APC anyways:

This picture is from a PR made by @lynxsolstice to readd VCs as truck drivers, for clarification.

Make the Req Van a reskinned APC varient that has no gun and canā€™t run over xenos. Explain its a specialist transport version of the APC that has had its troop carrying abilities removed in exchange for carrying supplies.

Otherwise, the APC is a memory to recall and nothing more.

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APC Problems:

  • Bodyblocks marines
  • Runs over marines
  • Blocks marine weapons
  • Maps arenā€™t big enough to utilize its speed
  • Most maps arenā€™t even designed with an APC in mind

I think the majority of the problems with the APC can be solved by treating its cannon like an actual cannon and just balancing it like that - 24 tile long range support or something. Start there as the base and then make balance changes.

Making the APC long range fire support means itā€™s not getting in the way constantly. The vehicle crew no longer compete with 20 marines for combat space with 7-tile shooting range and a 3x3 tile monster. It was dumb that we even implemented the APC like this and I canā€™t believe nobody was willing to just bite the bullet and make the APC long range. It solves almost every serious problem.

I can understand issues like itā€™s another big IFF gun and makes marine murderballs stronger, etc.
But hello you can just make it a peashooter. Hell it already was. The only thing important is that you make the APC better off sitting BEHIND the marines and not literally running them over trying to get that epic ram kill on a rav or something.

Basically the other balance considerations - like how much health the APC should have, how fast, how easy to get inside it for lurkers/runners, how much damage the gun does - all of that should come after we accept that itā€™s a long range fire support platform (or maybe even weaponless) and should have no reason to be in a tiny corridor blocking 30 marines from playing the game (let alone running them all over).

Iā€™m just sad about it really. Itā€™s really cool and I think we would still have it right now had the aggravation and annoyance issues been genuinely taken into consideration. I canā€™t help but feel like ridiculous restrictions and design goals Iā€™d seen in the past like, ā€œmarines shouldnā€™t have long range gunsā€ kept us from even trying to make the APC work properly.

Sometimes I think if those same people were around when OB, mortar, and CAS were floated around and worked on, that weā€™d have never got any of those implemented either.

  1. Van avalibel every round start.
    Just having that thing being abel to be used everytime would add so much. The ability to safly transport large ammount or marines and supplys quickly back and to the front is incredibly powerfull on its own.

  2. Let command buy an APC and other vehicels.
    Generally to having to pay for the APC or other vehicals would maybe help. Like as an extreme exampel: You get an APC but you dont get to buy extra OBs in exchange. Let command do more tactical decisions, cant hurt to turn that job more and more into a RTS. Jokes aside, having the ability to choose the APC but damage something else in your aresnal in exchange migth help. And if command doesnt get the any extra vehicel the driver gets a very simpel vehical instead of an ā€œupgradeā€. Like a small vehical and not even the Van. Something like

  3. Ad a Jeep.
    Military Jeeps are awsome and you know it. 4 person transport vehical wich can be spect roundstart for either people transport or supply transport by the vehicel crew. Draw backs are you arent in a void thing like the van when you drive it and you cant run over Xenosā€¦ T2 and T3 xenos. I think T1s should still be flattend. A runner should not be abel to body block it whileabel to dodge fire. Because thats what it do with being so fast. But you could still make it abel to be blocked by T1s, but then add upgrades like barbed wire on the bumber so any alien that is rammed gets hurt. So it still has risked if you touch the jeep every now and then to fuck with it. Gennerally i would make the Jeep very moddabel so its still good despite it being the vehicle you get if command cant be arsed to give the vehicle crew the founds for something better. Non upgraded versions of things often get rep for being bad and i think that should be avoided. Dont let command think ā€œehh no vehical this roundā€ if they dont give the money for a van or APC. Let the Jeep be a viabel option as well, but let it be sort of a jack of all trades. Can do all things, kind of. Better to get a specialized thing. Like a VAN for transport. Or a APC for battel support. A Tank if your XO want the nuke on treads.

  4. Why not the Tank as round ender?
    Let the Tank be OP as feck. Its a Tank, thats how it should be. Juice it up a bit and make it truley OP. This would give the rounds some more variety as well, because yes the nuke is a good idea but its kinda boring to see it basicly every second round or so. Just give the Tank the same rules on how to get as the Nuke. But that would still be incredibly fun. Just imagine if the Major comes rolling up behind you in a BFT. A Big Fucking Tank. just pure dumb fun, super awsome, bring back tank.

But in all fairness, i can understand why its not good to bring vehicels back in rigth now. Xenos are struggeling so giving the marines another buff would make it only worse. So this shouldnt be the main focus. Still, good to ponder a bit about.

Here are my ideas, have fun reading it, i had fun writing.