powerfulXtian - Commanding Officer Application

Commanding Officer Application - powerfulXtian

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Wayne Durstine

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

powerfulXtian - Commanding Officer Application | First CO application; Denied
powerfulXtian - Commanding Officer Application | Second CO application; Denied
powerfulXtian - Fax Responder Application | Fax responder application; ongoing

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?


Command Knowledge:

How familiar are you with command positions?

I consider myself to be extremely familiar with Command positions.

I am aware of the powers and limitations that come with playing XO or SL, primarily the former. The impact my presence that can effect the round, is immeasurable as any command position. Whether that would be deciding on appeals as a CMP, making quick reflex decisions as an SL, or ensuring each squad is performing to their maximum potential and capability, while also ensuring cohesiveness as an XO.

Hours in XO:


Hours in SL:


Character Information:

Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?

After the fall of the USS Vagabond, Captain Wayne Durstine was left jobless staying at a hotel next to an anchorpoint. During the disaster aboard the Vagabond, Wayne finally put together that perhaps, he shouldnā€™t be so clingy to Marine lives. He still feels a sense of duty to bring all of these Marines home, and a disapproval for the war, but understands his and all the Marineā€™s sacrifices save more lives than are killed during the wars and battles, especially with the terrorist group CLF strengthening his grip over the Neroid Sector. With his ship lost, he turns to the Almayer, after hearing they are looking for a Commanding Officer. With his family gone and nowhere to go, he decides to apply, a sense of duty still residing him. To potentially save more lives, and remember those who have and will eventually be forgotten.

How did your character attain the position of CO?

Durstine, with no family to go to, served the USCM faithfully. For nine years he had served the USS Vagabond, two as a Staff Officer, and the rest as a Captain of the ship. He had proven his skill and dedication through the years. After the loss of the USS Vagabond, Wayne was left jobless, and after two months sent an application to Divisional Command transfer to the CO position of the USS Almayer, which after careful consideration, was accepted.

Provide a short story of your CO.

Command Actions:

When do you believe itā€™s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?

Pardoning has a variety of applications during a round, however from what I both read in ML and observed from other COs, I believe it boils down to three reasons why I may pardon someone:

  1. Are they remorseful for their actions? Did they come to the brig kicking and screaming, or peacefully or apologetically?
  2. Are they likely to reoffend? Are they showing signs that when they get out, will do the exact same crime or any crime?
  3. Are they crucial/important to the operation? While it is a reason that is not as important as the others, ML does state Pardoning can be used if the CO believes it is in the best interest of the operation. Therefore, I believe it is a factor that should at least be considered.

By no means was this an exhaustive list and, Iā€™m sure my time as CO there will be plenty of edgecases that come up, rather this list be the baseline that I use to judge suspects should I feel they be considered for a Pardon.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.

  1. I hear an explosion in Medbay, concerned I walk over there to see the chemistry walls damaged, an injured Nurse, and an MP cuffing them. I ask someone also observing the incident what happened as the MP takes them to the brig. The person explains that the Nurse was just in Chemistry when suddenly from their chem dispenser an explosion rang out, damaging the walls and spooking those nearby. I go to the brig, and check to confirm the story with the arresting officer, which the MP confirms is what happened, and tells me they are charged with damage to government property. The Nurse is peacefully sitting in their cell, as I go to ask them what happened, to of which the Nurse explains that they were mixing chemicals, when the chemical dispenser suddenly exploded, citing they may have accidentally created an explosive chemical. In this case, I WOULD pardon the Nurse, as they were remorseful and unlikely to reoffend seeing how it was a mere accident.

  2. Iā€™ve just uncryoed, and command is greeting me. As I am walking to my CO quarters to equip myself properly, the SEA contacts me, asking if I can come to the brig. I oblige and head over there promptly. In there, I see a private rifleman in the cell, and the SEA standing with an MP. The SEA explains that the rifleman is new, and during briefing, had apparently shot another Marine, injuring them. They were promptly arrested by the MPs and taken to the brig, where they charged them with assault with a deadly weapon. The SEA explains that the rifleman didnā€™t even know he was being arrested, but nobody in command could do anything, as the charge technically is valid. In this case, I WOULD pardon the Rifleman, as they didnā€™t even know what they were doing, and with the SEA present to supervise them, are unlikely to reoffend.

  3. It is pre-drop, I am AFK in my quarters under the IC reason I had to file some paperwork, while in reality I had to take care of something outside the game. I had delegated briefing to my trustworthy Captain. Fast forward to when I return, I see the standard ARES message stating someone had been arrested, the Delta Specialist had been arrested for Assault, followed by the CMP asking for my presence in the brig to handle an appeal. I oblige and make my way to the brig, which I am greeted to the Delta Specialist exclaiming gratitude for my presence, citing to please pardon him so they can get to the Alamo in time for first drop. I ask the CMP what happened to of which they explain the Specialist had disrupted a portion of briefing, as they had started a fight with the Alpha Specialist. In this case, I WOULD NOT pardon the specialist. It is solely their fault that they acted up during briefing, and although they are useful to the operation, I would not risk myself to pardon a twitchy specialist. In addition to abusing their right to appeal to forcibly get an audience with me to ask with special treatment in the form of a pardon.

  4. It is briefing, a Private First Class Rifleman throws a throwing knife at the MP, when sternly told to stop, he throws another knife at the at the MP. To of which he is promptly arrested for assault. During his arrest, he questions what the MP is doing, almost acting as if he were a new player, his loadout consisting of weapons with attachments, MREs, generally a loadout seen in more experienced Marines. Over comms, he makes messages to his squad asking why he is being carried away by an MP, and why he canā€™t move. When I visit him in the brig after briefing to ask why they were doing that, he speaks in broken English, saying messages how he is ā€œnewā€ and has no idea what heā€™s doing. In this case, I WOULD NOT pardon this rifleman, in my eyes, they are clearly trying to act new in order to cause disruption and grief. Now, they are trying to get away with it to potentially cause more havoc by getting a pardon from me.

When do you believe itā€™s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?

Battlefield Executions as iconic as they are, are not a privilege to be taken lightly. I would only use them in situations where the situation has gone completely out of hand and control needs to be asserted immediately. Or, someone is hindering my ability to command through their actions, and MPs are not available to assist.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.

  1. It is briefing and I have allowed the Captain to conduct briefing, when a Delta Rifleman picks a fight with an Alpha Rifleman, however the Delta Rifleman over-escalates, immediately pulling out their rifle and firing on the Alpha Rifleman, killing them on the spot. The Alpha Riflemanā€™s buddies unbuckle from their seats, ready to retaliate. With no MPs in sight, I immediately move to and EXECUTE the Delta Rifleman. Without MP assistance and an impending brawl that will cost more lives, I had to quickly end the situation before it grew out of control.

  2. It is the middle of an FOB siege, there is a fierce battle between the Marines and Xenomorphs, I had deployed groundside to assist the fighting. The Bravo SL comes up to me and tells me we should evac, as we are clearly gaining nothing from the FOB siege but losing more lives. I reject his offer, and order them to keep defending. The SL does not follow orders however, drawing his weapon and telling me that they heavily suggest we should evac. I notice his gun out, and ask him if that is a threat. The SL dodges the question and once again requests me to evac. I give him a stern warning that if he does not put his gun away and keep holding the siege, there will be deep consequences. They do not follow my order, and again this time wielding his weapon, tells me we are to evac. With multiple warnings given and his refusal to follow my orders, I battlefield execute the SL. They had multiple chances to back down but did not comply, with their gun in hand pointed at me, I was credibly being threatened that if I did not evac, I would be killed. Even if he had not outright told me, his actions told me he was about to execute me.

  3. The Marines are pushing after an OB clears, I am overwatching one of the Marines as they throw a CAS flare. A few moments later, I see the CAS do a firemission on the Marine push, killing few and injuring multiple. I am forced to call a full retreat back into the nearest cadeline, as we no longer have the numbers to push and need to preserve those who have been lost. The GP remains silent over comms. As everyone in the squad channels are calling for a BE, I decide to not battlefield execute the GP. Although circumstances a bit questionable, it appears to have been an accident by the GP. Depending on the circumstances, I can also turn to MPs to punish the GP, rather than just round removing them.

  4. It is pre-drop, everyone is boarded on the Alamo, I am there to see the Marines off, when suddenly, the SADAR specialist fires a rocket towards the DCC, exploding them and taking multiple Marines in the crossfire. Immediately, other Marines point to the specialist, some shoving and stripping them. I delay the drop to allow medics to revive the dead, pulling the SADAR out. An SL uses their ziptie cuffs to cuff the SADAR as I ask them why they did that. They claimed they accidentally fired their rocket launcher, after jokingly pointing it at the DCC, in this case I would not battlefield execute them, as they are already safely restrained and appear remorseful for their actions, instead I would delegate to an MP, to have them charged for Manslaughter.


^ Playtimes listed above ^

Hi, I noticed something on your recent player report, and considering the appeals and general Marine Law power youā€™d have as CO if this gets accepted, itā€™s appropriate to bring up here.

First of all Iā€™m ignoring the right to remain silent thing. (because your main point is civilians canā€™t be ordered, full stop. The right to remain silent is only something you bring up as an ā€˜especiallyā€™ to your main point)

Since that part isnā€™t a consideration, civilians can be ordered. Itā€™s detailed at Rank - CM-SS13 - Wiki

Civilians: While in the AO(Area of Operation), all civilians must comply with orders given by military personnel. On ship, Civilians are under the direct authority of the Command and Security departments. They must obey their orders, but are not required to obey the orders of any other military personnel unless they are placed in a department, in which case they are also under the authority of all crewmembers of that department.

Obviously there are some exceptions, people should use common sense with orders used in this fashion, such as keeping them relevant to maintaining security on the ship. But assuming they use these orders properly in a high RP fashion, then yes, as a civilian you would be subject to command/security ordering you, despite civilians not being military personnel.

If it helps, compare it to how civilian guests would be treated on a military vessel in real life. You agree that there would be a general expectation that they need to follow reasonable orders from security/command, such as ā€œstay out of this areaā€ right?


Yeahā€¦ That PR is on me, I should have formatted it better.

I came fresh out that round, and I did the stupid thing of writing that PR like I was still my character writing to Provost, which is in hindsight, really stupid of me to do. Iā€™ll go over and clarify that, but after looking at it again I can say that you are definitely right. This is my fault.



This happened.

Itā€™s up to you all, the CO council if you want to let this application continue. Iā€™m perfectly fine eating the denial and waiting another month or however long to reapply.

If you want to ask any questions/have me go into more detail about this note, let me know.

Iā€™m sorry.


I have decided that, although the note is acknowledged, for purposes of accepting the application it will be disregarded. There is no need to delay this another month.

Carry on with the application as usual please.


Seeing as you berated me in LOOC as a CLF survivor about how I was ā€œcrossing the lineā€ when I escorted you to MPā€™s as a bravo rifleman, along with other mean-spirited comments, I cannot, in good faith, give you endorsement on this app.

Every time I see you in command roles, be it XO or CMP, you seem to have a hard time channeling your authority in a healthy way, and it effects the rounds of others negatively. I see issue with you having the responsibility to round-remove someone at your will fairly.

While Iā€™m not leaving a good word, Iā€™m also not here to hate on you. Iā€™d genuinely like see someone who plays as often as you improve. Iā€™d say work on your attitude a little bit and try to separate IC issues from OOC issues going into the future. Thank you.



Hello, thank you for your polite criticism. Iā€™ll try to assuage your concerns by responding to your points.

The incident you talk about here happenedā€¦ A really long time ago. 3-4 months ago my estimate. Regardless, it is a relevant concern. While I cannot changed what happened then, this is something that I am no longer doing. At least - to my knowledge. As for what you said about ā€˜other mean-spirited commentsā€™, I am going to assume this is in the near present, to of which my knowledge I have not done either. I do not make comments with malice, it is not my intention at all.

I have had issues with CMP in the past - but now? I believe Iā€™m definitely a lot better than I was back then. As for XO? It would help for you to bring up an example of this - to my knowledge I donā€™t remember having any incidents of unhealthily discharging the powers I have as an XO. I always try to do what is in the best interest of both the roundflow and operation. Yes, I do intervene with my authority on squad orders and invoke that authority. But sometimes there is stuff that needs to be done for the operation/round.

To reiterate: Thank you for your criticism. I have taken note. Feel free to tell me if Iā€™ve missed anything.


I think planting the C4 in the CLF is funny as fuck, glory to the USCM.



Although the incident did delay our processing of your app by a little bit, it was ultimately still in the Councilā€™s interest that this app go through. You have good community support and, following your last application, many people including the CO Council have vouched for your experience and abilities in command, and youā€™ve displayed great skill in doing so.

All we should clarify is that the incident that almost got you disqualified by a bit isnā€™t being disregarded by the Council. A CO is expected to know better how to make judgment calls, and when you can end peoplesā€™ rounds in a far more straightforward way than before, we must trust you can exercise good judgment. This isnā€™t much of a warning as it is an advisory; we will be holding you to the standards expected of COs, so please, we would appreciate it if you could hold yourself up to them as well in the future.

Aside from that, though, the positives ultimately won out. As a result weā€™ve decided to accept your application and approve your promotion.

Congratulations, Major Durstine. Welcome to the CO whitelist!