Rockwell Banned

Yep, now i will watch untill grim closes this thread.


misti has been doing a trend of unhinged posts for a while though, from pinging the entire CO WL saying they could BE anyone who says fobbit etc for hate speech ig to essentially calling frozen a pedo several times before grim gave a final warning to stop and that’s just the parts I actually saw myself

this is probably a nail in the coffin of a longer trend that we’re not aware of

also touch grass everyone jesus stop this eternal hate spiral and dramamongering


It wasn’t what I meant. Point to Sval.

Rather, when things shift from shades of grey such as cases of “transphobia made manifest”, I’d typically leave it to a member of the affected group to make a call on it (Remember the movie Bright where the Orcs were allegories for black people?), especially since their own lived experiences could sway it to either “yeah, that is offensive” or “weird, but I’m not taking it personally”.

I’d agree that penpusher was in the grey, which means I wouldn’t put much stock in the people who aren’t flying the pink-white-and-blue making a valuable call on the matter, because they’re so fall from the pool that if someone did a cannonball they wouldn’t get wet.

  • If it’s just affecting me, personally: they were weird, but I’m not taking it personally.
  • If I saw them talking that way about anybody else who may not have my other communities in case I bail on CM (again) or my support networks: I probably would have banned them too.

With that said, I’ll probably step out of the thread now. I don’t have more to say, and it’s starting to go in circles now. Ignoring the “politics” of the matter: the Staff were acting in interest of the rules of the community they aren’t paid to moderate but do so anyways, and penpusher had a gamer moment they should have known better than. If I go and call someone a baby and start complaining about them on other servers I’d want you to give me a reality check too.


Hm, with that, “touch grass idea” what if they paused the servers and did FULL meetings and ONLY after all this shit is handled and both sides through majority can say, WE CAN AGRREE ON ONE THING! Then let it back open.

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Bro shush. I’m watching drama unfold.


Maybe at least let’s form a group of people who don’t care about either side but just want the game to run without it hanging on a thread between no player voice and drama.


You know it’s bad when the clown sounds like the most reasonable person.


Funny how I go to GARRY’S MOD! And somehow find a more stable community. I mean the guy there has got it SET, they got full on community meetings, always allow for people to talk it out unless people don’t keep it on track DESPITE warnings, and HAS WAY LESS STAFF RANKS!!!

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He was community banned.



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Okay, other points stand though. And even that ban wasn’t instant, so I assume there was a discussion before outright applying it.

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That’s the 90% of the community who don’t engage with the forums or discord and just play the game, go join them.


Lock the fuck in, we got hells to dive


You should host stuff on (what I usually use), some other imagehost, or directly on the forum through uploads (I would favor 3rd party for sensitive stuff though), imgur was sold off a couple years ago and the site has basically stopped functioning.

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Grim has some bad news for you… Just joking LOL

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Oh you’re down for Helldivers 2? All right!
(I don’t have the game. Just LARP playing the game here and I’ll pretend I’m playing with you)

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I’ll be real guilty or innocent of Rockwell aside, you need to be more transparent with our whole “process”

You’re directly at the core of a lot of the issues we’ve had the past few days because it seems you prefer to actively be as opaque as possible regarding your decision-making and allowing community input to play a real part where relevant.


Can we at least get some rule clarifications? Apparently from what I learned today is: you are not safe in side cords, or maybe you are not safe anywhere? Can we make it clear that side cords should follow the same rules as the main cord (unless it’s obviously defined there, then it’s okay). Can we get some more clarification on the bigotry rule? Because apparently even “they” is misgendering now, I really don’t catch up with that. I hope you don’t really just ask the harmed groups what is transphobic or what is in the grey area, because this is just outright insane.


I would also like a clarification on what is and isn’t fine in side cords/other discords,