Rockwell Banned

the cm ban list is cross referenced with the no-fly list

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I literally lost my WL and access to the Discord over something I thought was okie dokie because I didn’t intend offense, if I knew it wasn’'t acceptable to point and laugh at it in shitposting I would still have both today.

Proper clarification on everything would ace


Now that you’ve said that, actually yeah I agree - if you’re digging up and finding screenshots of posts someone makes in other discords, forums, private chats, etc.

That’s still essentially doxxing. We already punished the other guy for digging up frozent’s old fapfiction from however many years ago, but in this case the person doing the digging has their name withheld to protect them, and the evidence itself was even kept secret.

It seems to me there are certain beliefs, opinions, and people that have a kind of institutional and systemic privilege, and this is resulting in completely different unequal applications of the rules.


I mean go back to last year around was it march? Or may? When all them pred players got banned. Someone sent thesolider then entire fuck logs for the sidecord where hacks/scripts/ and other toxic shit was being passed around there.
Staff made a big announcement about in main cord yall can go search for it and read what they said about us fucking around in side cords.


fit check?


Look man, I don’t moderate the discord, I’m just as lost as y’all are


Nawh but I got sent screenshots of you calling me bigotted for it and supporting this stuff )_)


I mean just three days ago. Again, this is just not clear enough.


id say theres a big difference between unveiling a group of people literally hacking and a guy cracking a joke in a private discords

now if you’ll excuse me, i now have to tie up loose ends and get rid of all the evidence and witnessess of me saying “amogus skibidi gyatt poopy” on another discord server to avoid me getting community banned for lrp


Community Ban might be a bit far but some kind of ban is justified in my opinion. The post was just completely unnecessary. No actual point or discussion was being made, they typed out a whole post that was essentially just “you are all nobodies” followed by trying to paint a trans person as crazy and hysterical just because she pointed out she was misgendered. There’s just no need for that whatsoever.

Also worth pointing out that Arty’s post was many paragraphs long with actual points being made (whether you agree with them or not), and instead of responding to the points penpusher decided it was more important to make that trans comment. Like come on, that’s clearly just completely unnecessary.

Do I think they are actually transphobic? Probably not. I think they are just incredibly spiteful and wanted to say something hurtful. That is still not acceptable especially from a WL Councillor. All of this over the ability to call preds “Jamaican” by the way.


We miss your delusions, come back to us

And with what @ihatethisengine posted, seems inconsistent with enforcement. If someone is DMing each other / a private group slurs, the most horrific stuff, then it shouldn’t be punished according to that, regardless of whether or not you agree.


Two threads about this have already been unilaterally locked by Grim, one in Acid Goop and one in Policy Discussion.
If you want to hear civil conversations about issues the least thing you could do is not nip everything in the bud so that you could “discuss the issue privately with staff”

Honestly I imagine Grim sitting in a round table with other staff illuminati right now and discussing on how to tackle the important issue of what marines are going to be allowed to say in regards to preds. This is a very important matter, and Rockwell shouldn’t have distracted Grim from something as vital and urgent with their presence.

Some amount of censorship makes sense on CM. We are in a state of total war against bigotry and every member of the community must do their part to stamp out any dissent against our wise leaders as they shape rules of how players are allowed to behave into something more beautiful, equal, eco-friendly, inclusive, crypto blockchain decentralised and based.


stop being a dick dude


What the fuck are you guys talking about in here? I’m so fucking lost.


id very much like to play the game instead of participating in dogshit discord-twitter drama that i would otherwise give zero fucks about had it not spread with its disgusting tendrils into the gameplay itself.

First you ban slurs to bring game policy in line with a ToS of some shitty big tech company, then you dont let me rightfully shit on the person proposing bullshit policy changes such as banning “jamaican” IC by locking threads, and then you ban a cool CO who honestly were kind of alright in game and gave me a cool medal once.
So no, me “being a dick” is nessesary pushback towards bullshit policy.


id very much like to play the game instead of participating in dogshit discord-twitter drama that i would otherwise give zero fucks about had it not spread with its disgusting tendrils into the gameplay itself.

there is nothing stopping you from doing this


I mean, he litterary explains why he dosn’t in the next sentence…


yeah, I have no clue how they ever got CO Councillor. Almost every time I had to interact with them in the discord their main talking points were about wanting to call PVT’s slurs or talking about the NSFW commissions of their character or just talking about sex in general or just general constant toxicity.

Which Rockwell were you all interacting with because I had an extremely different experience. Especially during the whole slur banning + doxxing incident in which they would make stuff up then get mad the situations they made up in their head and tried convincing others was reality

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The Council Discord is not a ‘side’ cord or whatever, it is not a private Discord. It is part of the CM Community, and follows the same rules and requirements as the rest of the CM Community.


The Point made is LITERLY right there. People are not going to search for Pronouns or a Flag ina Casual discussion or a Game. In Person, YES, this be a diffrent Story and by genuine Mistake easily corrected. Here people wanna play the Game and have a good time and not be confronted with Politics. The Comments made are NOT Transphobic and if anything, yes, an aggravated response but understandably so if the Discussion is a whole diffrent Topic and NOT supposed to be about Trans or Transphobia. It’s as they said People acctualy affected by that accidental misgendering Online on CM Post don’t care. Also punishing people for things they’ve said in private unless particularly heinous shouldn’t result ina CBann espacialy without some kind of formal process.