Rockwell Banned

misti posted this in the mp discord, thus proving it was 1 an official side discord (the council cord) and 2 that there was a lot more factors than just the one incident

imagine my surprise when in fact people are banned and it has a reason, this thread should be locked for drama/outrage farming


And I want to expand on that, the big difference is how many people are affected and what it affects

You have an entire discord of people actually undermining the game for everyone else - possibly a few thousand on/off again players, by cheating. Contrasted with some flippant inflammatory remarks that should’ve been met with a warning to keep it to yourself if you can’t be polite. Being polite in particular seems to be something this person struggles with, so maybe a little more might be warranted, but a straight up community ban is not just going over the line, it’s practically a moonshot into orbit over the line.

I wonder, if I had access to all the private discord logs of the staff, how long before I found disparaging, even bigoted, remarks about other people? Even calling someone a bigoted slur like ret*****, for example?

This is the kind of nonsense you start to see left and right once you’re trying to police everyone’s speech. Headache after headache after headache. It gets even worse once you have the “protected-class” who seem to otherwise be immune to punishment for saying/doing everything they’re banning other people for, start infighting and slinging this stuff at each other.

We didn’t have to go down this road, but people in charge want to police everyone’s speech. You’re gonna be dealing with this kind of quagmire forever. I wish upper management had fun playing the game instead of having time for this stuff.


In fact the forum post isn’t even mentioned in that DM as an example of transphobia, or mentioned at all, it’s just another post in a pile of toxicity.

You literally cannot because they just banned R-word and almost banned deltard, if it wasn’t for the pushback.


Is there an ACTUAL MP CORD? Please invite me


okay now you have to explain to me why its not a shitcord + WL ban, but a general ban instead

why can they not keep playing the game itself when IC or in OOC ive never seen them make spicy takes?


I think the way to ensure transparency is having actual procedures that include a step-by step method for doing these things like community bans, even if purely informative
I am not very good at communicating this idea, but steps inside the communjty ban process, thaf include, for example, some sort of locked informative post like “Person X has been CBanned for Y”, or something similar

It being decided in shadows makes it very easy to be wary of staff

Ps: I like that the whole fucking reason that the community started fucking IMPLODING was because of the Rword ban


heres a tldr
“im transgender i try to fiscally support people who have different experiences”
“i dont think anyone wants to see this change. also i dont think anyone really cares that you’re transgender, and its kinda weird to bring up because someone called you bro” + some talk about how its really not a big deal in discord
“holy crap we have a code t here time to COMMUNITY BAN this transphobe”

its silly i used to be transphobic before (im good now trust) and like i dont think that was grounds for a community ban at all

lilpenpusher (misti slopwell) and myself havent really gotten along in the past and weve butted heads before but they dont deserve a cban lol. say what you want, but they clearly have a passion for this game based on the close to 1grand theyve spent on artwork for their OC and them being a CO Councilor. this is like the cop shooting a guy reaching for his wallet when he gets pulled over

tldr the drama is cool but i need one of you forum goblins to drop a batch of fries in the fryer and make me my big mac please


it is no longer really maintained or people joining, mostly neverplayers from the old mp days, it was part of the first posts in a while

then answering the misinformation earlier being spread by hatethisengine that was just a mistake by Grim, as stated on the discord NUMEROUS times that they only wanted to ban the R word and grim thought that also extended to delt(lowiq)

stop spreading misinformation, stop forming lynch squads jesus christ

@Flatulent why the fuck do I have to explain anything, I don’t have access to their records or why they do anything, but community bans are so insanely sparingly used by CM staff that it takes some extreme conduct to trigger them - ergo I trust them, i’ve never really seen a misplaced cban


Yeah no idea how to type what I want to type without two or three individuals trying to cop me a cban but it’s funny that there’s literally who’s in this thread slandering misti and the people defending misti are the people who don’t even like him.


What of this warrants an instant c-ban? Especially if by transphobia they mean what we saw on the screenshots. Toxicity in whitelist announcements? Lmao, what? Just remove them from councilor if they abuse the announcements. I won’t even comment on frozen drama, because you’d need to ban a lot of people if you qualify what happened as harassment.

LOL bro I am spreading misinformation by citing the fucking announcement in #announcements? I am not really going to read all of the grim’s messages where he backs off from an unpopular change. If it was just a mistake, they would clarify it immediately, but they did indeed discuss this internally, that was confirmed by forrest. Really, “spreading misinformation”? Oh my god.


Both host and vice-host confirm that deltard is banned but they maybe will bring it back (after the pushback). Like really?
Newest change - Deltard - #13 by forest2001
Newest change - Deltard - #17 by Frozentsbgg


4 no raisin!


But hey it’s cbans so less work for you

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What are CBans really ? What qualifies for “we do not want you back in any form for quite a while” ? It seems kinda loose, as many things recently seem fitting for a Cban
CBan for doxing seems to make sense
But a CBan for multiple relativelly smaller things with no warning of “hey ya gonna get CBanned”
I am curious as if we have anything that says “These following actions merit a CBan” ?

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common sense, a cban is a decision that someone is simply no longer welcome in the community, it doesn’t have checkmarks and paperwork, cm is not a democracy and management can simply exile you if they do not think you are adding anything of value to the server

this isn’t a court of law, this is a privately owned server that you are playing on, you have no rights, your outrage does nothing, they can do anything they want

cbans are so rare I doubt they have an internal clear cut checklist for it but instead just do internal discussions with a unanimous or vast majority vote after assessing evidence, including probably stuff we haven’t seen nor ever would

it is how it works when we have removed pedos, doxxers, hackers, and toxic elements from the community in the past


But in jinxed case, they got cban for (re)posting 1 img.


Zero clicks.

Examining someone in-game is two clicks.

You wouldn’t say that calling your boss ‘Sir’ or a nice older lady "Ma’am’ politics. “Politics” is legislation and paperwork, you just want a word that makes being polite to a certain group of people fundamentally different from every other time you pretend to like people you don’t.

It takes more effort to rack a shotgun. This is not a hill worth dying on.


oh thats neat, didnt know you could do dat


Of course it’s up to the owners to do what they want with the server. But they didn’t ban discussion yet, so I am in right to say whatever I want about the rules implementation. Escalating instantly to c-ban over something such petty is just dumb and I can call this out, even if it won’t change anything.

Weird analogy, no one is going to put you in prison for calling or not calling an old lady “ma’am”. And if someone was pushing for this, they would definitely get some pushback, wouldn’t they?


It’s one actually you can shiftclick (half of my chatlog is me shiftclicking everyone I talk to)