Rockwell Banned


misinformation yet again, jinxed literally was calling frozen a pedo in the most explicit possible ways, in tremendously bad faith

jinxed will stay gone most likely, as they rightly deserve

it has been outstanding seeing the growth of unironic misinformation in the span of days, where the narrative has spun into this tremendous us vs them when some people genuinely just went shizo and deserved the can

if you have the time to be this outraged, use that outrage in helldivers 2 to enable the terminid control systems, we have to push them back for managed democracy, it is a better use of your time and we need your help. Democracy is not free, enlist today!


My point here is: people are impulsive, having a bad day, etc… so that if they don’t meet community standards, they should go out. But then there’s no clear quantitative or qualitative threshold for a cban other than going with management+ feelings. And as I said, people are impulsive so can I really trust their feeling on what’s cban worthy?



So is there real stuff showing he was involved with CP? I am really asking for the sake of the law not drama. And when I say stuff showing I mean are you over 50 50 sure on it?

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Your testimony contradicts the evidence. On the screenshots you provided Jinxed haven’t called Frozen a pedo a single time. Even Frozen himself agreed that was fine, since Jinxed didn’t try to doxx him. What exactly is misinformation here? What is the lie here, again? Frozen himself said he was editing fictional text porn with under aged characters when he was 13 y.o. and was even praised for being open about this.


You wouldn’t go to jail for misgendering anyone either. It’d just be a dick move. Like I said, whether or not what they said could be interpreted as transphobic (signs point to yes) and I didn’t care (I do a little), it’d still be BM.

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this seems to be goin off topic, so imma stop replyin but in conclusion, I just believe she said stupid thing unintentionally in anger, and went about stuff wrong, I dont think she is transphobic, just panicked while angry and explained themselves in a very stupid way, I do think light punishment at most was okay but eh, I think cban too far


My main take away with this shitstorm of drama,

We are too invested in this. We all collectivily need to step back.
Including management.

i think we need dead ass need to self reflect as a community on our inherent biases and why we feel such a need to engage with this slop of infighting.

I adore this community, I really do. But it gets tiresome to see each other with blades to guts and knives to throats.

I want the best for this game and its community, I feel with the way things are turning out I no longer have the same admiration i once did and feel defeated.

Everyone, in this community should be ashamed of the way they are acting and behaving. Including myself, I have not been acting in the best of faith as of late, and its been reflected in my behaviours with interacting with others.
This is a silly space game, cant we just chill out for a few?


not me im straight chillin im cool as hell




simply turn off your monitor


mmm i fucking love drama slop feed me more drama slop yes


To everyone, step back and just listen to what the trans people within this community are saying in regards to this, for the love of god do not tell a trans-person what is, and is not transphobia. We have suffered enough in our own personal lives to recognise it.
She was transphobic, there is no but to this. She was and is now paying the consequences for it.
I disagree with a full cban but some form of punishment had to be dished out, there is no room for bigotry in this community, I am sorry but that is just the case.

call me a snowflake for this take but im tired of seeing people both personally and within this game deny the experiences of trans people & queer people within this game.

I have faced bigotry a lot within this community both subtle and open. From misogynistic, sexual harassment to transphobia to other general reactionary insults.

The reason i keep silent and never ahelp these things is because, if management ever takes action. It is a shitstorm of drama. Quite frankly I never really will, that is on me.

I want people to take away from this to be, reflect on your internal biases and why you first seek to deny the experiences people have correctly identified. yes, question management when it comes to banning huge contributors to our community, but do not sit back and deny blunt evidence of this bigotry.

She was transphobic, out of anger, out of anything really. Impulsivity often reflects in a persons true intentions and ideas. It does not excuse them, to be quite frank, this drama reflects the biggest issue within the community. The complete and utter disregard for the experiences of players outside of your own meta-groups.

If this keeps up, I will openly say this. I am dropping this game and leaving the community for a while. I no longer feel the same energy I once did for the community, even if I still care deeply for the game and teaching new players. I am mentally fatigued with the drama as of late. I think we all are.


Jinxed literally through careless accusations and lack of information tried to form a lynch squad and directly caused Jedi to dox Frozen

If jinxed did not intentionally try to rile up the entire community then also argue that it was pedophilia afterwards too I think it might have gone better and not resulted in Frozen getting unironic phone calls to his place of work

jinxed may not have done the doxxing directly but lead to actions that could have resulted in frozen attempting suicide or losing his job (doxxing can be extremely serious even moreso with pedo allegations)

If Jinxed was lowered to a temp ban I could see that instead but frankly they aren’t innocent in this


Said Jedi sent the screenshots to Jinxed, so again, your statement is incorrect. Jinxed didn’t encourage Jedi to doxx Frozen because Jedi found this information himself. Yet again, even Frozen himself doesn’t agree with you:

So please avoid using the word “misinformation”.


Look I know you mean good but sometimes people are wrong and I wish there was a way to gather more info, I mean there were times I was accused of something and they were plainly wrong about my intentions and wanted someone to back me up for help, just few months ago I was accused of racism since I asked if a black women needed help since it was near end of shift and just wanted to help couple people, and I got accused of racism by her and well threatened even though I meant nothin of sort, of course this is not a 1:1 thing but it shows maybe you yourself have your own biases like that women did and are thinking too hard into something that dont matter half as much as you think, and should of at least be looked at in multiple perspectives, I know I said I was gonna stop responding but I dont want to be same and accuse someone of something because it could possibly be perceived as bigoted. Everyone deserves a fair chance in defending themselves


I am of course not free from my own criticisms, I am aware of this

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Sadly however, I hold no room for bigotry of any form. They were transphobic, there is no defending this when they were caught red handed.

Yes, I do agree everyone needs to be able to defend themselves, but again I do not hold interest in keeping bigots within this community.

They were transphobic, openly toxic. This has no room for subjectivity or relative ideas. They were objective in their stance out of anger. I do have the energy or mental patience to allow someone like that within the community. A stance that shouldn’t be a hot take not wanting to interact with bigots.

Quite frankly, this just leaves a strong taste of soap in my mouth in my view of the community and management.

I am not going to sit here and lecture people, it is not my interest to do so.
But once you start letting some bigots slip through the crack you foster a community of bigotry as a natural consequence.

They adore the game, but it is on them for not listening to the rules of this game or the word of management.


very clearly jinxed still started all of this through their actions and encouragement in the discord/being the original poster why are you defending someone who bad faith accuses someone else of being a pedo

also as to frozen’s response they CLEARLY state “If all jinxed did was -” key word was if, clearly Frozen is busy dealing with the fallout of this irl and not absolving jinxed nor making a definitive statement

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well in my own view I can see it being misconstrued, especially if this is first time, again although not 1:1 sometimes people perceive things the way they do since their always looking for them and facing that, I aint trying to lower your opinion but wondering if this could be one of those moments, it feels like there is a possibility of being a mistake, I would agree that them lashing out was toxic, but I think it was just that, not meaning to be transphobic, I do hope you see my POV, as I have been accused of things I am not, and just dont wish that on anyone else yknow


Another valued schizo poster gone RIP :pray:t2: enjoy your freedom

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