yeet_king - Commanding Officer Application

Commanding Officer Application - yeet_king

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Dante Norton

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?

Command Knowledge:

How familiar are you with command positions?

I am sufficiently familiar with all aspects and responsibilities of command both on board the ship and in the field. I know how to work with all CIC consoles including the basics such as setting SLs to dialing OBs, making announcements and setting alert levels. Before every deployment I ensure that SLs are set, Req is manned, primary LZ is set, announcing briefing time and place, loading OB and planning the initial phase of the operation. During the operation I read the radio, make frequent announcements and are involved both in matters of commanding the operation as well as shipside matters should they require my attention and at the right time. In the field I frequently use binos to get a feel of my surroundings and constantly instruct the marines near me and through radio in order to maintain the platoon. I can call fire support when needed and ensure that there are no gaps on the marine flanks, even manning it myself should the need arise.

Hours in XO:

at the moment I have about a little less than 60 hours as XO

Hours in SL:

Same with XO hours, a little less than 60 hours

Character Information:

Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?

The motivations of Dante Norton to ascend the ladder of leadership were initially his attachment to the corp and his brotherhood with his fellow marines, as well as his difficulty to adjust to civilian life. Having served for many years already and having faced all sort of foes, he had seen all kinds of horrors in the vastness of deep space and knew what being a soldier and a Colonial Marine meant very well. Promotion after promotion his attachment was reinforced by a sense of responsibility towards his fellow marines and a desire to maintain his military life along with all those in it. Eventually he became certain of his desire to permanently serve for and with his fellow marines, that was now fuelled by a solid sense of purpose, to preserve as many of his fellow marines through competent and effective leadership.

How did your character attain the position of CO?

Dante Norton begun his career in the Colonial Marines as enlisted in the wake of Operation Canton in 2165, where he first saw combat. He was wounded thrice, with the third being during his return to friendly lines after being the only survivor when his squads dropship got shot down by UPP ground-to-air missiles, killing all but him. His experience in Canton caused his still persisting sleep problems as well as mild PTSD. This experience however led to him remaining in the corp, proving himself and his marksmanship in combat, eventually being selected and trained as a sniper in Forward Recon for 3 years, during which he partook in counter terrorism operations mainly against the CLF. Afterwards he was transferred to the 3rd Battalion where he served aboard the USS Alistoun in the Neroid sector as a Squad Leader until 4 years before its eventual departure in 2181. During that time and thanks to his exceptional service with FORCON, he was selected for a top secret operation conducted jointly by the UA and TWE militaries codenamed “Inferno” with the purpose of investigating and terminating the at the time emerging XX-121 threat in the Neroid sector. He fought alongside elite marine Marsoc teams as well as Royal Marine Commandos in covert clean-up operations to contain XX-121 outbreaks and secure valuable data on the creatures. Though the operation managed to contain the initial outbreak, XX-121 specimens were recovered by third parties leading to the current state of the Neroid sector. During his time with “Inferno”, Dante witnessed the true horror that is XX-121, which reinforced his resolve to climb ranks in order to preserve not only his fellow marines, but to prevent the infestation from spreading to devastating effect. Through his connections from “Inferno”, he quickly climbed the ranks, eventually becoming the Captain of USS Webster, a Bougainville-class attack transport which he used to great effect for counter terrorism operations against the CLF. In 2181 Norton and the USS Webster were sent to LV-1193, a remote colony used for corporate logistics and cargo transport. Initially his mission was to track down and dissolve a CLF cell on said colony that used the facility to smuggle arms and equipment to supply its insurgents. However during the raid, XX-121 specimens escaped from unmarked containers and quickly overrun the colony, resulting to a massacre that killed most of the colonists and the CLF cell. While the LZ of the marines was hammered by XX-121 entities, Norton lead a small team deployed via dropship on an APC, swiftly infiltrating the hive in one of the underground storages and eliminated its queen, leading to the rest of the hive to scatter. The enlisted of the USS Webster then secured the colony and performed recon while its dropships located and hunted down stragglers. For his heroic actions, Norton was awarded the medal of Valor and was promoted to Major.

Provide a short story of your CO.

Command Actions:

When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?

I would pardon a prisoner only if their skill set was necessary for the operation to succeed, their crimes are not major and above and they have shown no intent to act against the interest of the USCM or act in a manner that hinders the operation. For example I would pardon the SADAR or an SG for minors crimes such as DTGP.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.

I would not pardon a marine that is not absolutely necessary for the operation and has committed serious crimes while showing that they are no longer a reliable asset to the platoon and by extension the entire operation. For example a rifleman that murdered a doctor I will not pardon even if he is the last one left.

When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?

I would Battlefield execute a marine that is directly disrupting, harming the operation or undermining my authority upon the ship and its crew. For example I would battlefield execute a marine that intentionally used physical force with the intent to cause serious injury or death to me or other important members of the crew and the platoon. I would Battlefield execute a marine that continuously harassed me, berated me and called for action contradicting my orders with a clear intend to do so even after being told to stop.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.

I would not battlefield execute a marine over any action that has minimal effect to me or the operation and was not repeated or was accidental. For example I would not battlefield execute a marine that called me a poopoohead once during briefing. I would at most have him NJPed for DASO by the MPs. I would not battlefield execute a marine that accidentally FFed me in the heat of battle once so long there was no clear ill intent.

Your story is private and can’t currently be read.


Would you mind posting your complete Marine hours also?

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So, cards are on the table here.

We get applications with mixed feelings from councilors. In your situation, you’ve made all go. Who the hell is this person?

Your answers could be better and your story is listed as private. If you’re being serious, I would retract the application and spend the next month going hard XO/SL so some of us can recognize you.

As it currently stands unless you show yourself as completely exemplary and gain a massive showing of community support you have about zero chance of being accepted. I’m all for a good underdog but you’re starting so far behind the last thing I want to see you do is get discouraged after this application fails.


Application withdrawn at applicants request.


Added co:denied and removed co:waiting