Corpsman loadout Discussions, What's your corpsman loadout?

The previous corpsman loadout thread is a bit old and quite off topic, so I don’t feel like necroing it.
Steelpoint’s own corpsman loadout in the comprehensive corpsman guide is moderately outdated (MREs don’t fit in medkits, drop pouch extra space).
So i’ve decided to make my own thread on corpsman loadouts, to see, most notably, the most effective/easy to set up loadouts that my fellow marines use.

Here’s the loadout I personally use:

Details (# of supplies)

120x trauma kits
120x burn kits
60x splints
5x O- blood bags
3x bica/kelo/tram pill bottles
7x MREs
Reagent canister pouch (Revival mix tricord, remove 60u, add 60u peri)
with M39 as my primary weapon (UBFL, bayo, s6 sight)

Minor error: I forgot to swap the hemostat for a retractor when showcasing the loadout

Can be assembled in roughly 5-10~ mins depending on how long sitting in chem line takes.

M4 armor gives me plenty of light for seeing backliner threats, m39 wield delay is quite low so I can deal with lurkers/runners giving me a hard time without worrying too much about ammo.

If you have extra time to burn you can swap out the 7(!) MREs for a jani bucket of 500u nutriment (grind down protein bars) with a hypospray.


How do you do fellow medics, I’m a totally real medic who went to medic school and definitely didn’t murder one of you guys!

Anyways, here’s my general loadout- I pick an M37 or a MK2, though I do really like MK2 + UBS/UGL. Grenades are great for fishing corpses.

The radio backpack is essential, as a dripless medic is not a real medic at all.

The quick revival pouch is really nice QoL.

In my backpack, I have 2 defibrillators and 3 med kits.

Each medkit has 3 trauma, 2 burn and 2 splints. The reason? Brute is far more common than burn, and frankly having to cycle through 3 med kits to refill my lifesaver sucks. I’d rather be able to access all 3 in one go.

The belt is pretty standard. Having two bica, kelo and tram bottles is a necessity.

The oxy injector isn’t really needed, I’ve started replacing it with splints as of late.

The trick to getting your custom chem mixes (in my case, IA, MB, KD) before first drop is to be at the front of the chemline no matter what. Despite what some people believe, you can still be first even if you’re last.


In my webbing I generally take my binoculars, 2 blood bags, a portable fire extinguisher and one MRE (not two, as shown above). Frankly, MREs are plentiful enough and other marines tend to carry food to share with others. The number of times I actually need to give food is pretty low, and it’s usually when I’m treating severe IB, hence I find it to be less valuable than taking other stuff.

Binoculars are absolutely essential kit for medics (and well, marines in general.)

My medkit pouch has my sutures, a spare analyser (because that shit vanishes constantly), my beds, spare splints for me to quickly grab, and my stasis bag. Sometimes I switch the splints for an extra stasis, or roller.

The IB surgical kit is a waste of space imo, given knives are faster and more compact. Unless you’re an unlucky bastard who fails surgery RNG and decapitates their patients.

Well, that’s it, I guess!


I buy the Fix O’Vien and ditch the hemo in the Surgical kit. I don’t want to be undoing IBs any longer than I need to be.

I keep my Primary weapon in hand, which switches depending on my mood. The rest of the kit basically stays the same.

Panic pull the pistol for being dived on, or finishing anything that didn’t knock me over.

Also marines should be bringing their own MREs SMH.


heres my evil injector loadout I use every once in a while; no set weapon for this one.

boring regular loadout basically always go mk2 or mk1, mh, UBS, suppressor with this one.

and my “light” medic loadout. rifle & ammo box, rifle & buck shotgun, or pistol and slug shotgun are the combos I use here.

the aquamarine/cyan pills are IA, the bordeaux ones are FN (iron nutriment), the cyan near the trama is D+.
the first one is pretty old now, nowadays I always put my suture & graft in the surgical kit and almost always buy a fixo to put in there to.


I’m still kind of new to medic (saying that as gold medal lmao) However I kind of like things somewhat standard for the most part.

I don’t have any screenshots handy but I’ll try and go over this as clear as possible.

Armor: M4 (Praise be to M4 armor)
Storage: Medkit pouch, Revival Injector (Tricord) Radio Backpack, The large Medial Pack (Lifesafer? I always forget the name, every slot counts)

Medkit pouch: Most of the starting kit, 2 blood bags, Line and Graft, 2 Chem bottles of Tricord, Hypo (Set to 10u for tricord)
Radio Pack: 2 Advanced Medkits (3 Brute Kits, 3 Burn Kits, 1 Splint) 1 Normal Kit (5 Slots Splints, 1 Tricord chem bottle, 1 spare sleeper bag) 2 Defibs
Main belt Bag: Bica, MB, Kelo, KD, Dylo, Dex, Peri, Tram, IA, FN (iron Nutri If I can remember) 3 Brute, 3 Burn kits, 2 Oxy injectors, scanner, splints (Either Extra splints or Tricord chem bottle)
5 Slot webbing: Roller Bed, Medevac bed, MRE, Laser Des, Sleeper bag
M4: 4 Mags of ammo
Helmet: 2 Dex+ injectors
Gun: Ideally Mk1 with AP mag, U7, MH, Bayo. 2 Standard mags, 1 AP mag, 1 handful of buck.
Backup. Mk2, U7, MH, Bayo, Stock, Ext and AP mags if possible.

I go with a tricord set up since I can inject people with non threatening injuries and keep moving. Or if someone has A LOT of damage, stack healing to heal them faster.

The gun setup is mostly to punish flankers or last ditch if something like a rav pushes. U7 really helps catch a lurker or a runner off guard.

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Medic gaming, my beloved:

Some useful notes:

  • Bloodbag is filled with recovery mix. Screw reagent pouch, it takes up too much space.
  • Hotdogs are considered “decorative” items, thus they can fit into helmet’s decor slots. As a medic, you can also syringe them with extra nutrients from squad food vendors.
  • MK1 is a sucky rifle by itself, but it’s UGL can fit 5 nades, which are good for recovering bodies.
  • If your CT/QM feels particularly miserable and doesn’t give you that sweet HPR mag - don’t worry, you can loot them later from FOB crates.
  • FixOVein is somewhat faster at healing IBs than surgical line, might as well grab it since your surgery kit has a slot to spare.
  • There is no particular reason to use shotgun and mk1 (besides the free nades and HPR mag abuse). Sometimes I swap the former with XM88/MOU and the latter with SMG. In theory, you can even run with 2 pistols (armor + pouch slots) and an ammo box on your back.

Personally, while I can easily see the utility of maxing out the amount of stuff you can take, I prefer to keep the most critical things on hand - defibs shouldn’t be double nested (or in a difficult to click area like a drop pouch - just me?) if you want to revive as fast as you possibly can. Furthermore, I find that pressurized injector pouches massively simplify the revival process.

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It’s amazing how every medic has their own “style.” At the end of the day, the best loadout is the one that works best for you.

The only thing I do that I don’t see listed on many of these loadouts is the use HEDP grenades to bounce bodies closer. In the great words of Julien “Vestal” Mao, “Reid you got to use the Meat Hooks so you stop dying.” I carry two in my light armor. Remember, the fastest way to a man’s heart is with explosives.

@unknown920 I love how similar our loadouts are.


There aren’t many places to put them in: either drop pouch, or a satchel/medrig. Satchel has the same problem - it requires one extra click, plus takes up as much space as a whole medkit. And medrig is… Uhh… UHHHHHH… It’s smol

True. But you’re giving up a pouch slot for 2 pill bottles’ worth of chems. That’s not kosher

IIRC, medical vendor has a grenade belt inside. One day I’ll pick it to see people’s honest reactions :skull:


I run this every time I play corpsman.

I love the M39 for its lethality.

Light armor for those risky saves.

Radio backpack and LD are for lazing paras, using CAS and calling for medevac when your GPs are particularly deaf.

Marines with low blood usually are hungry too. Its nice to feed them some food that’s why I run chunk bars in the helmet.

2 Defis are a must have and hypo oxy lets you pre med in every fight and allows you a basically unlimited amounts of IB fixes

The injector tank is tric rev mix and the TI pills are just tric pills.

Also the engi pamphlet comes useful in some situations and I love to run it but if you want to spend your 15 points else where then feel free to.

(Edit forgor to add Fe :skull: :skull: :skull:)


I think the drop pouch thing is just you. You can set a hotkey to interact with your uniform storage if just clicking on your uniform is too much effort though.


Honestly FN is so much better than just straight iron. I am kinda addicted to using it now


i run this shit sometimes unironically, it’s great.
sometimes i combine it with a hypospray so i draw chems out of the bag with a syringe then inject it into a hypo then inject that into a marine. it’s peak


I tried a very similar build once but it just took too long to fill the bags roundstart huge pain in the ass. Build itself works ok

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that is down right bonkers…now i want to try

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I got a bit lost in the medical sauce (Sleen) in between the last loadout thread and this one.

Janitorial bucket/hypospray mix is 120/120/30 Epinephrine/Sleen/D+.
Injects 2.1 units of Epi per use, and since reagents don’t process in dead mobs, that 0.1 unit of Epi is an entire extra defib’s worth :blush:

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Why Sleen?

What’s up with the box mag? Did they make it so you can remove bullets from them?


Do not normalize people asking for box mags when they don’t have HPRs. It’s a curse I see in req and already got to verify if people have HPRs or MK1s because they try to skim mags for guns they don’t have just because they want to carry ammo. It’s greedy and screws the people over that want to use those weapons


Name actually checks out.

AFIAK you could always remove bullets and add bullets to the relevant magazine. I dunno how long it’s been a feature but probably more than 5 years.


Unless there is a bug or someone stealth added it, the ability to remove bullets from a HPR magazine was removed a long time ago.

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