DSLR - Timed Ban Appeal

DSLR - Timed Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Javon ‘‘ill-gotten’’ Nash

Type of Ban?

Timed Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration

30 Days

Remaining Duration

28 Days

What other servers do you play on?

I only play on CM-13.

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

I am only banned from this server for thirty days and this is the first time.

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

blatent islamaphobia ‘‘OUR STATION RELIGION WILL BE ISLAM’’ ‘‘AND WE WILL BE EXECUTING A COW IN THE BASKETBALL RING’’ - LRP Behavior and Blatent Islamaphobia

Links to previous appeals:


Your appeal:

That’s what we do in ramadan, celebrations and much more. I call it ‘’ execution ‘’ because thats what we have to do. cut the brain’s connection from the body so it dies and doesn’t feel any more pain before it dies (so that the meat may become halal). Theres no islamaphobia here (for context we had detonated a nuke in the colony and for this success I was saying that the station religion will be converted to ISLAM and we will ‘’ execute ‘’ a cow in the basketball ring (that is the most suitable place to do so we dont have a propper place for sacrifices.))
However, what I did in the radio was dumb and broke the roleplay rules and disturbed the environment, this is however not islamaphobia. it is breaking the rules somewhat. but I do not recognize this as islamaphobia. Low Roleplay? Sure lets consider it low-roleplay but this is not islamaphobia. When I say ‘‘we will be executing a cow in the basketball ring’’
That is not islamaphobia.
When I say ‘’ the station religion is islam ‘’
That is not islamaphobia.
‘’ Islamophobia is the irrational fear of, hostility towards, or prejudice against the religion of Islam or Muslims in general.[1][2][3][4][5] People who harbour such sentiments often stereotype Muslims as a geopolitical threat or a source of terrorism.[6][7][8] Academics, authors and policymakers still continue to debate the exact meaning of the term.[9] ‘’
Matter of fact I am a muslim so it is not islamaphobia when I say we are going to be executing a cow after we have came back from nuking the planet and netting a marine major.
I will improve my behavior by not going groundside when nuke decyrption has 60 seconds left, and NOT try to convert the station religion to islam nor talking anything about religion because it ticks you guys off. I will comply with marine law (unless its with the black market its different case. I will continue to buy illegal weapons and sending it groundside when I play QM in the game CM-13.) and I will comply with the game rules and server rules as well as the rules established by the creators / whomever the rule makers may be at the time .


Appeal Denied

Hello @Javon_Nash, this appeal has been denied.

Your ban reason is as follows:

Banned for 43800 | Rule 2, 3 | Javon “ill-gotten” Nash, blatent islamaphobia. “OUR STATION RELIGION WILL BE ISLAM” “AND WE WILL BE EXECUTING A COW IN THE BASKETBALL RING” - LRP Behavior and Religious Mockery

Islamophobia was not meant to be left in the ban note, though that was an oversight. Regardless, your ban is for LRP Behavior & Religious Mockery.

You made several extremely low-roleplay statements in character that were unbecoming of a Marine Officer/CMO and took away from the roleplay experience of other players.

Now, when it comes to your religious mockery. Muslims do not “execute” or sacrifice cows during the Holy month of Ramadan. Though, they do sacrifice goats, sheep, cows or even camels during Eid Al-Adha and Eid Al-Fitr.

Joking about acts viewed as holy by any religion is simply unacceptable, and you being a supposed Muslim is not an excuse for such disrespectful behavior.

You may view your actions as “okay” but that does not mean other Muslims would not find them disrespectful or outright offensive. Your actions affect not only yourself but those around you and I do not believe you understand the reason you got banned comprehensibly at this point in time.

Make sure to read our In Game Ban Appeals and Ban Procedures to avoid any confusion in the future.


Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting