Griff52 - Moderator Application

Moderator Application - Griff52

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord username?


What characters do you play on CM-SS13?

Griff Richtofen

Are you 16 or older?




On average, how many hours are you available to moderate in an average week?

10-20 Depending on School/Workload


Do you have previous experience in game or community moderation?

Yes for the 77th JSOC server on arma 3

Provide any links to any previous CM-SS13 whitelist, mentor or staff applications:

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on CM-SS13?

No I have not or have knowledge that I have been

Can you actively engage and communicate with the team through Discord?


Final Details:

Why would you like to join the CM-SS13 staff team?

This community is fantastic staff seem to be very welcoming, and on top of things. With the amount of hours that I put into this game if I am able to give something back by keeping an eye on bad actors, helping those new to any role learn things, faxing the CL, whatever it takes I am willing to learn and step up as a moderator and representative of the community.

What makes you a great addition to Staff? (Experienced Tabletop DM, Aliens Lore Buff, Super Organized, etc.?)

I have managed groups and games for pathfinder (D&D) before so I am able to look at bigger ideas and their exaction as the players revolved around the world (not the world revolving around the players). I would also like to think I am very well organized and thorough. Probably too thorough as I am a perfectionist when it comes down to certain things. As I did with my other community I may or may not have gone overboard when it came to logging damage outputs, ranges, etc. only for it to probably never be used. That and I would like to think I am able to get on with most folks to where it’s no intimidating to come up and ask for things. Lastly I am willing to fit whatever role needs fitting. So if some staff need help with tedious work, or big picture projects, or even just orbiting one player that needs to have an eye on them I would be more than welling to fit the role that needs fitting.

In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a CM-SS13 staff member?

Big one for me is fairness and imperiality. Every situation will be different than the last one and coming at it every time with fresh eyes and getting to the bottom of whatever it is by hearing out both sides. A fair moderator enforces rules consistently, ensuring that all community members are held to the same standards. With set standards everyone knows what is and isn’t acceptable inside the community and game while giving the community a form of security.

Anything else you want to add?

If there are any questions about me, my record, or anything else my discord DM’s are always open.


Surprised to see you apply for Mod, Griff! I honestly didn’t you were interested in the role. Even so, I think you’d be a lovely addition to the mod team. I have not ever had a negative interaction with you. Your RP is great, you’re a great person to talk to, and you are understanding of other peoples’ circumstances and willing to hear them out.

+1 man. I’d love to see ya on the team soon!


Griff has been a part of the CM community for a long time now and has always came off as friendly and helpful in my eyes. Griff goes out of his way to make for interesting interactions with other players when he’s around. Overall I think he would be a good fit for CM staff! +1

We can always use some good ones like you, Griff!


I’ve not seen much of Griff on SS13 - we’re running on different timezones - but I have known Griff for the best part of 10 years in the Arma 3 community, 77th JSOC. During our time there he helped run our public servers - some of the most popular in that gaming community - as well as run missions on our private server for up to 60 players. He held a respectable rank and was an asset to the community whilst he was there.

As long as he hasn’t been completely lobotomised, which he hasn’t since we last talked, I believe he will be a strong asset to the moderation team. +1


Added mod:approved and removed mod:waiting
