It's time to modernize CM in the only way possible: TTS

Have it turned off by default so only the people who want to have 30 voices in their head need to suffer. Honestly forgot TTS was even a thing in ss13 because I always immediately turned it off, it just ruins the atmosphere and the feeling of the game for me.


1 Month later

TTS will now be added, but it will be optional.

3 months later

TTS is no longer optional, everyone will now have TTS as the default setting


TTS was actually lowkey handy in TGMC albeit a little goofy

Turn it off and listen to your music. This is a made up problem.

Some insane slippery slope. Even on TGMC afaik it’s not mandatory.


frozen reviving my thread, proving once again i’m always right. I think that we should have TTS, it’s a technical load but counterpoint: It’s cool and in a crowd of marines all screaming “FUCK” as an OB kills them that’d be like 1000 times funnier


it sounds awful


I’m not sure anyone whose advocating for TTS has actually heard it before. It’s terrible, absolutely awful. It’s a technical burden and adds nothing to the game. All it would do is take resources away from making the game good and turn it into a tech demo.


which resources lmao
making the game good in what way, you can make the game good by purring down a maintainer’s ear to make him merge your merge requests, there is no other resource consumption here

opinions different than mine detected, deploying the thumbs down emoji


Erm actually they’re called Pull Requests now


Once again I say this, we as a community are not ready for TTS or VOIP, people are going to chimp out and miss use it and like @Vyzo said its not gonna be easy or fun to moderate. Why not bring back atmos instead and life to ship side engi instead?

This is why we cant have nice things.



Ekhm… You can mute it. You can literally mute it. Why does it need ANY moderation? I can walk around you and spam *scream/warcry, this is not optional, you can’t mute it, it is just as hard to moderate as TTS/VOIP.

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Why not bring back atmos instead and life to ship side engi instead?


No, in fact, hell no.

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its either this or we resort to this

without changes that will SAVE CM we will continue to lose more pop and eventually die

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man just did that to me. feels bad man.


No TTS. Voice chat or nothing. Let the Marines hear the prepubescent and sharp voice of their Lieutenant Colonel announcing ,abcd CHAAAAAARGE!!!


I like it in theory. In practice though? Trying to listen to the 20+ people all trying to speak would melt what little braincells us players have left. Restricting it to Leadership+? Might be nice but at the same time thats like uhhhh only 7% ish of the server pop? So that kind of sucks? And sounds not worth it

A better middle ground would probably be having leadership messages play a radio sounds or something to get the attention of people too busy dying to xenos to look at the message to run away. I don’t think going full TTS is a good idea. And uh VOIP? Well Being an Arma player even 30 people talking is too much talking. And it sounds like a Pipe dream anyway unless it’s gonna be an ARCE/TFAR sort of plugin thats proximity/squad specific? Even then. Terrible idea.

Just add a notification noise to Leadership+ Radio messages and call it a day. Yeah I know there’s also a thing that that pastes it across the top of the view box but even then people still manage not to notice/read it.

You can make it a setting. Like full TTS, leaders-only TTS, no TTS. There is no reason to prevent other people from enjoying the game on their client the way they want, as it will not affect yours. Every form of spamming, flooding the chat with nonsense is already against the rules, it won’t require additional moderation. You really gotta be some sort of snob to be against this being a setting.

As for the cost, I am not entirely sure what is meant by that. As far as I understand, if we are talking performance, TTS is processed on the client, so people with TTS disabled shouldn’t have any performance-related issues. If we are talking actual money cost, like buying something for TTS, then I don’t know. This is a valid issue, but it’s up to the host.

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