Jeremiah_Simpson - Permanent Ban Appeal
What’s your BYOND key?
Character Name?
Joe ‘Bludclart’ Nutter
Type of Ban?
Permanent Ban
What is your Bancode?
Admin who banned you?
Unknown (doesnt show up in the ban message.)
Total Ban Duration
Remaining Duration
Permanent. (Was banned in May.)
What other servers do you play on?
TGMC, TG station.
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
Beestation - Cannot remember the ban length, but i know it only was once.
Do you play using a Virtual Machine?
is your copy of Windows legitimate?
Reason for Ban:
1 account of metagaming as a Lesser Drone.
Links to previous appeals:
Your appeal:
In regards to what I want done with this ban, I understand that it’ll likely not be possible on your end to fully appeal this ban, so im just asking for a reduction. This does NOT mean I’m regarding the actions performed against me as undeserved, just an over reaction. I am also aware of the ‘No appeals before 180 days of your perma ban has passed’ Rule, but I feel that I may forget about this appeal I would write for that time.
For my actions, I must admit that my actions on that day were nothing else but stupid and irresponsible, and if I knew the username of who it was done to (It was a scout at the time, couldn’t quite get their name) I would for certain DM them a detailed apology regarding my actions. My aggrievances towards the severity of my punishment is the fact of this incident not being repeated before by myself. Yes I understand that the poor attempt of my 3am self to lie about it did a lot to impair my chances, but I digress. To repeat, I am not saying the actions done against me were undeserved, just merely an admin over reacting to the situation, which is just human to do and I do not blame them for it. Overall, I do truly apologise to the annoyances I may have caused to the victim and to the admin I lied to (I do not know the name of who did it, hopefully you should be able to find it.)
If I were to ever join the server again, of which I’m highly interested in doing considering my intrigue in the universe you have modelled the server around, I would ensure that I would quit the server before fatigue gains a hold of me and unintentionally forces me to do something unwise. If you have the Discord ID of the victim of this metagaming charade, I will happily write to them an apology to ensure they’re not affected too badly by my dumb actions.