Chris268 (I used to have another account named "Krieg26") - Permanent Ban Appeal

Chris268 (I used to have another account named “Krieg26”) - Permanent Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?

Chris268 (I used to have another account named “Krieg26”)

Character Name?

Hanz “Krieg” Trenchman

Type of Ban?

Permanent Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?

Initally by “hermotimos” later by “Black Dragon”

Total Ban Duration


Remaining Duration


What other servers do you play on?

These days mainly I play Terragov Marine Corps, but I had also played in Fulpstation, Monkey Station, a couple of rounds in Blackstone, Dead Sace 13, Forgeworld Eipharious 40k and recently in CM-SS13: PVE. In all those I used a character named “Hanz Trenchman” and chose the same apparience.

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

Yes, three years ago I was banned from Goonstation because I used the word “rape” in a joke, an admin came to ask me why I used that word, before I was abble to explain him/her that I made a joke about prision showers, my connection died, once I re-joined I was already banned, given that in those days I prefered action focused servers so I did never tried to appel my ban.

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Ban evasion. Back in early 2023 I made multikey to evade a 3 hour ban after I accidentaly killed another marine by using aim mode. After my timed ban ended, I returned to the game and played without problems for some days but after I did a joke saying “Islamic Pred” because I saw a predator blowing up himself to destroy an infected predator, I was banned for seven days, but given that my initial ban was never resolved, I was perma banned until I would resolve once for all my original appeal.

Links to previous appeals:

My appeals are these

My first Appeal made in April 2023: Krieger26 - Timed Ban Appeal

My Second Appeal made in August 2023: Chris268 and Krieger26 - Timed Ban Appeal

My Third appeal made in November 2023 after my ban timer ended: Chris268 and Krieger26 - Timed Ban Appeal

My Fourth appeal made in February 04/2024: Chris268 and my secondary account is Krieger26 - Timed Ban Appeal

My Fifth appeal appeal also made in February 04/2024: Chris268 (I also have a secondary account under the name 'Krieger26") - Permanent Ban Appeal

Your appeal:

I take responsability of my actions and I accept that I was wrong by doing multikey. The admins told me that for this appeal I must have a vouncher and prove that I am abble stick to just one account, so I did it: I erased my secondary account “Krieg26”, I played for 6 months in different servers in which I used the a character with same name “Hanz Trenchman” and apparience. Finally, I got a vounch from the admins of Terragov Marine Corps just like I was asked to do.

I had been banned for almost a year now, I had learned my lesson and once more, I accept that I was the one who was wrong the entire time. I just want to keep playing in CM SS13 without causing any problems.

Hello, I am one of the headmins for TGMC and the one that they contacted looking for a vouch.

While I and the other headmins cannot comment on their behaviour ingame due to us having no noteworthy interactions, we can confirm that as far as we’re able to tell, they have been playing TGMC consistently since the start of february (421 connections as of now) using the ckey chris268 exclusively and lack any notes or warnings of bad behaviour.


Hello Chris268.

I will be accepting your appeal.

You have served out the ban time and you were able to recieve a vouch from a TGMC staff member. Ergo I believe there is no reason to disallow your re-admittance into the server.

I will iterate that we will be considering this ckey, Chris268, to be your new permanent account, the ckey Krieg26 will be seen as a non-used alt-account, I strongly advise you use Chris268 as your main account from now on.

I would also advise you review our rules to ensure you are up to date with them before playing.

I will be lifting the ban, should you still have issues connecting to the server, please contact me or any other staff member for assistance.


Added appeal:approved and removed appeal:waiting