M4L4SS4S - Fax Responder Application

Fax Responder Application - M4L4SS4S

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?

UTC -8

Player Name You Use Most?

Sampson ‘Ironfist’ Ponds, Ahanu Ul’uan, UC-P

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

Mentor Failed - Mentor Application - M4L4SS4S
Mentor Accepted - Mentor Application - M4L4SS4S
Yautja Accepted - M4L4SS4S - Yautja Application
Commanding Officer Accepted - M4L4SS4S - Commanding Officer Application

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?


Have you read the role guidelines and expectations?


Why do you wish to become a Fax Responder?

I want to become a Fax Responder to expand rounds to be more fun and meaningful for other players by replying to faxes. From my brief experience as a responder, while mentors had access, I was able to add more meaningful experiences for a handful of players. Ranging from breaking the monotony of staff officers by sending dressed-up faxes from high command asking for situational updates. To responding to faxes from a boots on the ground marine who wants to keep high command involved. A Fax Responder can expand the rounds from a different non-direct angle that raises the roleplay interactions that other plays can have in the server.

What do you consider the purpose of this role?

The purpose of the role depends on which sub-type a player goes. But generally, the responders can best serve a purpose by responding to faxes from the Reporter, Liaison, CIC, and MPs. For the first three roles, the responder can give them small objectives to give purpose to the roleplay-orientated roles. Or the answer questions that come along the fax network. Overall, for these roles, the purpose of a responder is to help clarify and expand the round. Meanwhile, for MPs, the responders can help with immediate needs such as when provost faxes are sent that aren’t of an immediate emergency for staff members to reply to but are essential to the crew in the moment. For matters of law that need staff approval, the responder serves as another person who can notify staff of the need for higher intervention.

What is your playtime in Command Roles?

CO: 80.7 XO: 161.9 SO: 29.8

What is your playtime in Military Police Roles?

CMP: 66.4 MW: 18.9 MP: 24.8

What is your playtime in Corporate Liaison?


What is your playtime in Civil Roles?


What, if any, is your playtime in Special Roles?

Provost Communications Officer: 0.3
USCM-HC Communications Officer - 2.3
USCM Observer: 3.5


+1 has the Pred and CO WL. Also a Mentor. Can be trusted.


Same question I asked the others. Per the rules of the WL, you may only call the Almayer under EXCEPTIONAL circumstances What would you define that as?


I would define an exceptional circumstance as a situation where the crew of the Almayer needs immediate intervention from doing something extreme. Whether it be as the Provost, High Command, or UPP for the HvH rounds.

Say for example the MP and or CIC team of the Almayer have been completely unresponsive to faxes and they intend to arrest and then execute a member of the crew such as the CO over an operation gone bad and a bad OB. In this case, I would dial either CIC or the Brig’s phone before anyone gets shot, (depending on which person is in the room, which I would determine via the cameras) and communicate with the crew member. I would tell the crew that the CO requires the approval of the Provost or High Command before they can be arrested and hear the crew’s side of the story. During this, I would make sure to Ahelp the situation and see if a Provost team could be sent to directly handle the situation.

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Is here to roleplay and can be trusted with the whitelist.+1


If playing WY Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CL?

If playing Press Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CC?


As a WY Fax Responder, I’d consider objectives that I’m capable of assigning within my power to be those that do the following:

  • Fit within the context of the colony during the round. Say for example on a map like Hybrisa or LV, I’d task the CL to gather research documents or valuable materials from the colony to take back to the company in secrecy.

  • Keep the CL on a subtle and none aggressive/lethal mission to ensure whatever the crew of the Almayer produce or discover on the colony to be secured for WY interests. Whether it be a hive of xenos created in research, special xeno eggs, or WY personnel from the colony.

If the CL were to take simple objectives too far, I’d ensure to contact the CL and inform them that WY does not endorse their actions and that they’d potentially be voided from the company. If the CL is antagging I’d make sure to Ahelp the situation.

Overall, I’d consider objectives that I can give be those that are simple to follow for CLs, don’t negatively impact other players, and play to the context of the round as it begins and develops.

As Press Responder, objectives that I can assign to a reporter would be those that are involved with illustrating the marines in a bright light or ensuring the freedom of the press is upheld. Objectives would fall in line with the general principles of ensuring that the reporter engages in RP that isn’t detrimental to the round or other players. Such objectives that did assign would be:

  • Interview all manner of personnel on the crew to highlight the Almayer and her crew. From the boots on the ground action with the marines, in the rush of medical personnel working hard in the medbay, to the top brass of the CO and XO.

  • Ensure that even the harshest of truths be revealed to the public such as the horror of insane prisoners in the brig or even the evil machinations of the CL.


Sampson plays a great CO. I’ve also personally interacted with him as a pred and he’s good RP. He can be trusted as well. +1


Great CO, great RP, very reasonable person. Can be trusted and will do the job well.

See you on the uh, faxing grounds?



When I read the name “Sampson ponds”, I immediately knew I wouldn’t even need to read the application (even though I did) to know you are reliable enough to get us some very good RP.

The role is already yours


