M4L4SS4S - Commanding Officer Application

Commanding Officer Application - M4L4SS4S

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Sampson ‘Ironfist’ Ponds

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

Mentor Application - M4L4SS4S Mentor, Denied
M4L4SS4S - Yautja Application Yautja, Accepted
Mentor Application - M4L4SS4S Mentor, Accepted

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?


Command Knowledge:

How familiar are you with command positions?

I am familiar and comfortable with all the available command positions on board the Almayer. I have served as XO both during high and low pop, which has given me experience running an operation during both times of the server. I can run an operation independently during low pop in CIC, knowing how to dial OB cords, send out squad supplies, and manage the available marines regardless of how high or low the numbers may be in any squad. I have dabbled as an SO to be the eyes for my squaddies and keep them from being horribly flanked by the Queen and even by backlines harassing the medics. I have enjoyed the pleasure of working with others directly groundside as a squad leader, knowing how and when to keep my squad together for a push or when to pull back to lick our wounds for a better attack later.

Altogether, I am confident and comfortable being able to be in a command position during a round, both on the ground directly in the action and topside, directing from the CIC bubble or the OW console.

Hours in XO:


Hours in SL:


Character Information:

Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?

Having been commissioned as an officer after serving as a sergeant, Sampson was adamant about being the change he wanted to see—that of officers not being stuck-up pansies cooked up hundreds of kilometers away from their men while shouting for suicidal charges but rather down in the dirt with all his brothers fighting the good fight. Sampson wants to change how the enlisted view officers and change the corps culture. What better way to do this than by modeling it on his own ship?

How did your character attain the position of CO?

Sampson was commissioned as a staff officer after serving for many years as a sergeant to begin pursuing his ideals of changing the officer corps’ attitude towards the enlisted. Sampson worked his way up the chain of command, eventually landing a slot as executive officer of a vessel under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Calhoun. Sometime later, Sampson would be transferred to another ship under the command of Major Dafoe as a part of a research operation. Following the successful operations with the aforementioned Command Officers, Sampson would be promoted upon recommendation to command a vessel of his own to properly enact and demonstrate the change he wants to be in the corp.

Provide a short story of your CO.

Command Actions:

When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?

I would pardon a prisoner based on the following conditions:

  • They are remorseful of their crime.
  • Wanting to reform and return to their duties
  • The crime is within my ability to pardon; hence, it is not above the severity of a major crime.
  • The prisoner’s release will be a net positive for the operation overall.

As pardoning a prisoner causes me to be liable for their further actions if they are arrested again, I uphold my conditions to ensure that whoever I pardon is not likely to re-offend, leading to the operation being endangered by the person being arrested and potentially myself due to the offender.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.

1: During low pop hours, a researcher or doctor is arrested for DaSO. If he actively demonstrates that he wants to help with the wounded, isn’t giving (for what is most accessible to say) “bad vibes,” and is respectful during the process, then yes, I would pardon them so that they can contribute to the betterment of the operation. Because of how the doctor/researcher acted, I do not believe that he would re-offend, and if there is a pile of wounded climbing up, it would only make sense to me to release them to better the operation.

2: I am firmly against roles such as spec, smart gunner, or even medics abusing their limited slots. For example, a spec is arrested for assault, and they treat the arresting MPs disrespectfully, saying, “Obviously, the most important squad role will get a pardon!” Regardless of the spec they choose to opt into, even if it’s low pop hours. This player is likely to re-offend, leading to more issues down the line. I wouldn’t pardon them as they do not fit the criteria I uphold for myself.

3: An MT breaks in and steals Jones. During the ensuing chase by the MPs, they gib Jones. Once they’re arrested, they start demanding an appeal or pardon. (Jones’ remains have yet to be found.) Because the MT cannot be trusted in any capacity, I would deny their appeal and not even consider a pardon for them, as they have demonstrated that they’d rather spend their time breaking the law than contributing to the operation. After Jones’ remains are found, I would move to execute the MT for the murder following the execution procedure.

4: I awaken from cryo late into the operation. During this, the Bravo SL elects to mutiny the XO for XO’s incompetence. As the SL and his men are mutinying, I would order the arrest of all mutineers for sedition. Once in the brig, the SL asks for a pardon. They were cooperative and calmly explained the situation and why they were mutinying. While I am grateful for their cooperation, I wouldn’t pardon them, as the charges of sedition are a capital crime and far exceed my ability to pardon the SL and his men.

5: A cargo tech is forcing marines to sign paperwork for each item they receive in the req line during the initial 20 minutes of the operation. The CMP opted to arrest them for a case of subterfuge. Regardless of how the CT acts, I would not allow them an appeal. They were actively hindering the operation by wasting the crucial first 20 minutes of the round by forcing time-consuming RP onto others. Alternatively, I’d assign an MP or SO to handle Req while the cargo tech serves his time.

When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?

It is appropriate for a CO to use BEs conservatively and within the context of the situation. As the BE is an option that can quickly take someone out of the round, I would use it sparingly when given the opportunity. I prefer RP out situations in which I can have the backup of the MPs and medical staff to ensure that all involved are kept relatively safe and can generate a story from the encounter. However, in situations where such luxuries cannot be had, I would opt to BE someone to eliminate dangerous personnel to the operation and other crew members.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.

1: My first example where I would use a BE would be if another player is actively undermining my authority, leading to the marine force being wiped out. During the hijack, after the ground operation has been lost, the Marines have been evacuated and are treating their wounds and rearming. I’m in the CIC and order marines to hold in CIC to push back the oncoming Xenos. The CMP disagrees and announces they will have a lower engineering position after mine. I would warn the CMP not to misdirect the Marines and follow up with a clarifying announcement. However, the CMP continues to undermine me over the radio and tries to redirect the remaining personnel. Because of this, I would execute the CMP, as he is actively hindering the operation by splitting up the remainder of the crew, which would lead to Xenos picking off the crew during the hijack.

2: If a player is actively ignoring their duties and instead opts to enter restricted areas and grief, I would not go straight to executing them but instead choose to arrest them on the spot. My primary example of this would be if an MT spends their round breaking into the CO’s office, steals Jonesy, gibs the cat, and proceeds to break into the CIC and eat the meat in front of all the command staff. I would immediately order the arrest of the MT for NoD, Trespassing, Theft, and Animal Cruelty. Because the MT is not an active threat (even if he kills Jonesy, sadly), I wouldn’t go straight into executing him because even if the MT killed a bonded animal, I would like to RP the situation out by having the MPs arrest and process him. But if there are no MPs, then it’s a straight execution without any remorse.

3: I would BE a marine or DP if they launched the Alamo prematurely during evac after warning them not to. Say an SL runs to the cockpit as we prepare to evacuate; I yell over the radio and point at them. I ordered them NOT to launch yet as other marines still need to load in. But the SL hears the Queen’s screech in the distance and launches the Alamo, leaving behind marines to die at the claws of the besieging Xenos. Because the SL caused the needless deaths of other marines, reduced the marine population before hijack, and actively ignored a member of command, I would see it as necessary to execute them because what is stopping them from doing a similar thing again during the actual hijack as we’re holding the lifeboats.

4: I would BE a marine for active mag dumping into another marine while on the planet. We’re making first contact with a Yautja, and the Yautja becomes hostile and starts kidnapping marines; Marine 1 protests against the other marines and myself that the Yautja is friendly. A bit later, we’re fighting the Yautja, and Marine 1 is upset and proceeds to mag dump into Marine 2 and accidentally beheads them. I would yell at the marine, “What the hell are you doing!?” and as Marine 1 proceeded to open fire on Marine 3, I would BE them for the murder of a marine and attempting to murder another while on the planet engaging a hostile extraterrestrial.

5: For cases of a marine interrupting my briefing, it would vary whether or not to BE them. It comes down to different scenarios. For example, if a marine constantly hits the briefing bubble glass, I would order them to stop and sit down. If they continue, then I would smack them with a baton. Once the marine backs down, that is the end, and we will continue with the briefing. For another scenario, say I’m having a briefing in the hangar, and a marine keeps climbing up on the crane and bumping me off. I ordered them to sit with their respective squad, but the marine was persistent and even went as far as to remove the megaphone from my hand, which became an obvious distraction. I would chokehold this marine, table them, and throw them away from the cargo crane. This way, I can demonstrate to the Marines that they won’t push Command around in the operation. If the same marine or another continues interrupting the briefing, I would have MPs arrest them on disorderly conduct, as no more interruptions would be allowed. If I lack MPs, I would opt to BE the marine as they have been given enough opportunities to listen to the briefing.


If only I could give a +2…Knows what they are doing, isn’t above changing things up when running operations, and knows how to handle the pressure.



Hi there Sampson!

Thanks for taking the time to engage with the CO WL, your name is super familiar to me in an OOC sense, since I see you quite a bit around the forums and discord, but dont believe we’ve had a whole lot of interaction in game in a command sense.

I've just finished reading over your BE and Pardon examples, and was wondering if you could clear something up for me regarding a particular answer of yours

Im confused on how exactly this qualifies as subterfuge, since im not really seeing any anti-USCM dissident material (although, if you suspect a thought-crime has taken place, contact your local Big-Brother liaison as soon as possible).

Depending on how you’re feeling on any given day, deliberately fucking with Marines by making the Req process as tedious as possible is either lore accurate RP, failure to follow procedure, disorderly conduct, neglect of duty, or sedition if they are really disruptive.

I am going to guess you confused Subterfuge and Sedition in this example, but the distinction is not something you can mess up in game.

While your ordering their arrest is not at all unreasonable, you can also try just ordering them to act like a normal human being, and stop larping as a DMV desk worker. At which point, they either return to operating Req as per usual, or refuse to do so, and get arrested for an additional charge of insub. That said, considering the damage they have already done, you are fully within your rights to throw the book at them for any of my aforementioned charges, without giving them a second chance.

Secondly, Im a little bit confused with this part in particular

Once again, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and guess that you confused an appeal with a pardon. Im sure I dont need to tell you that, barring catastrophic circumstances, an appeal can only ever be suspended. Appeal rights can never be outright denied, no matter the situation.

As a final note, just so I’m not just being the question guy, I am super happy with the remainder of your application, as this is the only glaring issue I’ve found in what you’ve provided. I think you’ve done a great job clearly describing and responding to BE/Pardon scenarios throughout your app.

If I can run into you in game enough, I’ll leave you a proper comment, with proper thoughts, rather than just a little nitpick like I’m doing now


Thank you, Spy, for taking an interest and for the feedback. Let me clarify some confusion with my answer that I didn’t clarify clearly.

I didn’t mistake an appeal for a pardon. I meant to say that if I were handling the CT’s appeal, I would deny it because of how the CT was acting, which would most likely lead to his reoffending. I wouldn’t even consider a pardon, as I would deny his appeal during the process. I would still make sure the CT has his right to appeal.

You’re right about the example itself. I should be more patient and warn the CT to stop slowing down the round start prep before jumping to an arrest, such as subterfuge. I counted this example as a subterfuge charge due to my experience with a CT actively admitting to slowing the req line to sabotage the Marines, so I see where the difference in handling this comes from. Thank you for helping clarify it to me, and I’ll make sure to keep in mind the escalation of the law.

And I can’t wait to see you in-game, Spy. :saluting_face:

(Edited the end part. I Mistook Spy23 for the Senior Mod Spy)


Had the pleasure of being around Sampson on multiple occasions
He has a great situational awareness as a SL and SO while also being a great aCO aswell
Easily a +1


I’ve been in Sampson’s XO rounds recently and they have been exceptional in CIC, giving us clear orders and information and they know their shit, their story was a good read and given their pred WL and being a mentor I think that we can trust Sampson as a CO , +1!


stealing my XO rolls, +1


Sup was gonna drop a -1 as early feedback but seeing as the next points I’m gonna drop can be improved and no reason to do so. I also fuck with you as a player and you’ve never actually done anything wrong so I’ll leave this as feedback.

You recently had a SEA round where you were hunting zombies, started to turn and ahelped “I’m a SEA I can not be turned into a zombie”. I won’t say much on that.

I see you pretty much only playing SEA, when you play XO you don’t respond to anything outside the bubble which other COs have confirmed. COs are meant to add to the round, but I understand XO isn’t CO and you don’t have as much freedom, just don’t be a robot for the future.

When you play XO/SEA you play with a meta loadout while shipside (kevlar with a RTO pack) which is not an issue by SEA standards, but applying for CO is a no go.

And just one question, you don’t have to respond to it cause I’m not a councillor. Would you actually play the CO WL or stay comfy in SEA? I get it more than anyone playing a role that you’ve built a repuation for being good at, it’s hard to get out of it, but the CO WL is not something given out to fluff yourself as a player.

Feel free to correct me on anything I’ve said incorrect, and I seriously think you got what it has to volunteer, and meet the standards of a CO but I can’t give you a +1 yet. Good luck chief


Hey Sandvich, thank you for the feedback. I’ll try to help clarify some things.

For the SEA round, I was respawned. Before I turned and while I was self-contained, I received a message of a new player joining. So, I decided to drop the RP and head to teach the latest player with the time I had left. (which, unfortunately, wasn’t very long) After I turned, I was shot and killed, and another crew member moved my body to the upper deck, where I then revived again as a zombie and escaped. As a zombie, I fled to maint tunnels to think about what to do next. About three minutes later, I walk out of the maint tunnels south of the CLs office and towards the fuel pumps South of CIC, where I’m then randomly deleted from the round and returned to the main menu. I Ahelp asking what happened when an Admin tells me that the zombies got out of hand and no one was ever supposed to be infected. I followed up by asking if I could get back into the round because I was removed via admin intervention rather than by players through the round. Thankfully, I was allowed to return to the round and continued playing. I hope I can clarify what happened so that it doesn’t paint a bad image of me avoiding RP and whatnot. That round was messy with whatever event the Admin was trying to conduct.

You’re right about me being rather bland and robotic in the bubble. I need to work on interacting more with others in the bubble, like interacting more with survivors, Liaisons, MPs, and whoever comes into CIC. I’ll begin working on that, so thank you for this feedback.

As for only seeing me as SEA or XO, because I’ve recently been working towards the CO WL, I’ve been playing XO to improve my shipside command ability and SEA to improve my RP. As SEA, I’ve had a lot more RP opportunities. But I’ve also been playing SEA recently because of the change in pace, and it feels like another enjoyable taste of CM. I can teach other people how to play a game that I enjoy, which makes me happy and enjoy the role, along with the aforementioned ability to RP more. And I don’t always stick to XO and SEA. Whenever I want a different spice of CM, I’ll roll different slots like SL and CMP to improve my ground-side command and marine law. It’s just been that recently, my goal has been the CO WL, so my playtimes have centered around it as recently.

For the RTO Backpack, I wouldn’t consider it meta because I carry it with me for the RP reason that Sampson is a more down-to-earth officer. He has an RTO backpack to follow in that direction so that Marines can call Sampson directly. Using the RTO Backpack as XO/SEA has helped communicate with marines, but it has also helped some players use it as a silly gag when they prank call me, which (in my opinion) brings a little soul. But I’m confused by Kevlar. I don’t carry or wear armor as either role when shipside, so what do you mean by that? I’m confused and would like to clarify it. When I run XO, I’ve taken the RTO backpack but no armor unless you count the brown webbing. And for SEA, the only “armor” I run is the officer jacket to have my m44 holster in the suit slot and a tool or medical belt. But if taking an RTO Backpack as CO shipside is a no-go, I’ll make sure not to carry it. Thank you for telling me.

And I plan to play the CO WL and collect the hours as I’ve done with the Yautja WL. What I’ve learned with the Yautja WL is that the WLs have the opportunity to expand the rounds and create fun and exciting stories, not only for the player but also for everyone else around them who’s involved. My favorite moments as a pred are when I’ve made a fighting pit lodge and had marines come in and engage with it, even being fighters and placing bets on each other. The CO WL is another opportunity and angle to approach the idea of wanting to expand rounds and make it a more fun experience for everyone involved. So yes, I fully intend to play as CO instead of just applying and going into hibernation.

Thank you Sanvich for your feedback and I hope that I’m able to clarify any misunderstanding we have and I’ll work towards working on the feedback you’ve given me.

(Corrected fed to fled when talking about the zombie round)


Sampson is a solid mentor and holder of the pred WL. He RPs very well, is well versed in ML and SOP. I have seen and interacted a good bit with him as XO and myself as SEA and he is capable of leading OP very well. He makes good call outs and regularly keeps marines in the loop in on how the OP is going and things to watch out for like flanks, and where queen is, etc. Never had a bad interaction with him. His story was also good, and fun to read! I hope you get the chance to join the CO WL and bring good rounds for all involved!
Godspeed brother and best of luck! +1 all the way!


Played with you in CIC, MP, enlisted, SEA, tonnes of stuff. Quick and skinny is +1.
Only thing of the most minor note (and frankly i wouldnt mind spectating a round with you as XO because i dont think it’s a consistent or significant issue and want to affirm that): you could free up just a teensy tinsy bit with CIC and giving officers a little more trust. but it’s also entirely within bounds that that’s just your character, and i’ve frankly never ever felt smothered by you at all in CIC, so it doesn’t strike me as being a Huge Matter; just keep it in mind, i guess, that COs are Roleplay Fixtures of the Community and so everyone wants their ear and sometimes letting Skippy SO do a tacmap update is good, to their and your own benefit.

Otherwise, every single time i’ve encountered you when you’re at liberty to do a little extra and add to a round, you have. You cryo’d as Warden yesterday but made for a great little mininarrative in the round even if you didnt get to see it fully play out; the time you spent sitting with me and the CMP at the mess hall tables talking was so appreciated. Every encounter i’ve had with you or see of you as Uahtan is thoughtful and you put an effort in to make it beyond just “fight me”. You’re vocal as SL and definitely one of the ones i feel most confident with, as you demonstrate good tactical and quick decision-making and generate a feeling of comradery with your squad. And as XO i think you have great command presence of a positive kind; i refer to another recent round but the quick LV one from the other day comes to mind: you had a slightly unorthodox plan with paratrooper Alpha, set it up and engaged with the SL over it, had many hiccups to enacting it, and the marines still rocked through that round with momentum and energy i haven’t felt in a minute in this game. And we had a good laugh about it post-round.


Hey Nyoom, thank you for your feedback when it comes to being more open with working with SOs during rounds. When you’re talking about letting skippy SO do a tact map update, I’m pretty sure you’re referring to a round last night where I was explaining that IC that SOs should leave the tactical map updating to me or call it out before updating it.

My main thought train for Sampson IC and how I play as command, is that I don’t have an issue with just being the one who’s giving the big picture strokes and having SOs and SLs being able to focus on how they want to do things as long as the overall plan is completed. But I do want CIC members communicating what they’re doing so that we’re all on the same train.

Skippy SO: “I’m going to be updating the tactical map”
(Wait a few seconds so I can respond)

Sampson: “Sounds perfect, hit it Brother”

I mainly want to pass on that I want to be able to give freedom to SOs and SLs when I run command, but I want them to communicate with me so that way we can work effectively together. Main Point: Communication is key.

Thank you for your feedback and I’ll definitely make sure to keep it in mind when I play command to not be so tight with CIC, especially since I want Sampson to be a more down to earth officer.


Totally cool then and for any readership, i wasnt in the bubble at the start of the round when ground rules were laid out but since they were laid out, that makes way more sense and i respect why you asked who was pushing updates before asking. All good on your end :+1:


You’re a solid XO, good knowledge, at times slightly bland though. I’d try and spice things up even though I know it’s not easy.

You definitely have everything you need to be a CO though, and deserve it.



i wont sing praises but this man knows how to run CIC, definetly not a drone either so lets give him a shot.


I thought I gave you a +1 already…

good rp, professional rp in officer ranks.
Helpful, strong initiative, helpful.

buckshot user, so kinda mid.




Okay so more time attentive to this applicant.

He is mega communicative as an officer.
As SL GREAT leader.

but if anything comes to doing something that isn’t strictly the primary purpose of this user’s current job, he will willfully neglect the duty.

I would like to change my +1 to a -1.

Excellent leader and communicator, but superbly neglectful of other duties he is capable of unless it’s the primary duty of his current role even if he’s capable of fulfilling the duty no matter how insignificant the effort is.

You’re so close to being a +2 based on communication and leadership, but the willful neglect of other duties I have seen in multiple rounds because building a single barricade or barbing asub 10 tile cadeline as SL is “below you” I assume, is not it.

Correct this unga bunga shooty shooterson behavior and I will re-adjust my -1 back to a +1.

1 Like

Hey Atticus, I’d like to clarify the reasoning for some of my leadership decisions during rounds, especially this last Chances round, so that we can be on the same page.

First, I’d like to thank you for the feedback on my communication. Thank you, and I’ll make sure to remain chatty in any and every role I play and help keep Marines informed.

As for neglecting some duties, you’re referring to the latest Chances round, where you asked me to build some cades at A-Block, but I overlooked you and moved to Eastern Reactors instead to finish off the Hive and win the round.

Would it have hurt to put up some cades at A-Block for you quickly? No, it wouldn’t have. Thank you for calling me out, and I’ll consider every task I have during an operation. I want to emphasize that there are no such things as tasks that are “below me” that I won’t do and that I prioritize my squad during rounds because they’re the monkeys I’m in charge of handling and leading during an operation.

I pick and choose my battles in that round, and taking the initiative to keep Delta together long enough to deliver them to the frontline and wipe the Hive is a win in my books.

Again, thank you for your feedback. I will keep it in mind as I continue playing CM.


One of the well recognised XO and SL player in CM. Sampson has demonstrated great displays of leadership and ability to keep the marines under his command well organised and together.



Sampson’s a cool dude, always doing the right shit and a cool dude to RP with in general, +1