thespy24574 - Moderator Application

Moderator Application - thespy24574

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord username?

Space Waffle#8984

What characters do you play on CM-SS13?

Andy ‘Mutton’ Marcotte

Are you 16 or older?




On average, how many hours are you available to moderate in an average week?



Do you have previous experience in game or community moderation?

Previously a staff member (administrator) with the TGMC server; More information below about that. All other instances of moderation/staff have been outside of SS13 as a whole.

Provide any links to any previous CM-SS13 whitelist, mentor or staff applications:

Denied thespy24574 - Synthetic Application - Denied

Denied thespy24574 - Synthetic Application - Denied

Denied thespy24574 - Synthetic Application - Denied

Denied thespy24574 - Yautja Application - Denied

Denied thespy24574 - Yautja Application - Denied

Thespy24574 - Commanding Officer Application - Accepted!

Mentor Application - thespy24574 - #17 - Denied

Mentor Application - thespy24574 - #19 - Accepted!

thespy24574 - Synthetic Application - Withdrawn

thespy24574 - Synthetic Application - Denied

thespy24574 - Synthetic Application - Denied, but my best Synthetic WL application so far.

Quite the list I will admit.

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on CM-SS13?


Can you actively engage and communicate with the team through Discord?

Very much so, quite a regular on discord.

Final Details:

Why would you like to join the CM-SS13 staff team?

I would like to join for a few reasons:

1; Helping during events and in-game issues that the administrative team needs help with.

2; The community always needs extra hands for extreme issues or massive problems like a massive fight breaking out or a unapproved mutiny. I would not mind being that extra pair of hands help in that situation.

3; Should I be given permission, I could do some fun minor events which could spice up the round currently active. I have a fair few ideas to do currently on hand.

What makes you a great addition to Staff? (Experienced Tabletop DM, Aliens Lore Buff, Super Organized, etc.?)

While this is debatable if I would be a good addition to staff; I do have a knack for good story telling and writing. Specifically in the disaster department.

In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a CM-SS13 staff member?

Integrity; As you likely know, I am a disgraced admin over at TGMC. I was touching shite I shouldn’t have and denied my own involvement when the consequences of my own actions bit me. The lesson was thoroughly learnt and I would never make that mistake again or anything similar to it; like touching shit I shouldn’t and acting like a idiot thinking I had nothing to do with it. More regarding this below.

Anything else you want to add?

So, time to tell my story regarding the previous question.

I was playing TGMC and I managed to become a Staff member after they opened their applications up for a little while. After passing my application, I moderated and learnt the controls/VV system. All in all pretty good, Promotions came and I elected to extend my moderator period a bit. Eventually though, I became a full administrator. Running events very often (There was no formal limit at the time, or to my knowledge. Just had to log that an event happened that round). But; here’s when my immaturity showed.

During a round xenos’ were losing pretty badly, so I decided to help them for some reason. (Honestly I dont ‘even know why I tried, the natural flow of the round was happening and I should’ve let it go) So I opened a menu that dictated how the balancing system works. You see; Xenos’ get a % buff to their health, armor, damage, and movement speed (I think, not sure on the movement speed part). and it was currently set to 113% if I recall correctly. Regardless, I set it to 25% thinking it was additive and was gonna add the 25% to the 113%…It didn’t. It lowered ALL of the xenomorph’s so 25% of their max health, damage, armor, etc. But heres’ the issue, this could’ve been relatively easily fixed. but I didn’t fix it until the xenomorph queen was GIBBED by a rifle.

Rightfully the player was pissed, but for whatever reason I denied I did anything about it. and said “I seen queen gibbed a few times by rifles and shotguns a few times so its not that surprising” This was a LIE and I don’t even know why I said it after reflecting on it. After the round ended, this went into DMs. He requested the round ID and combat logs. I granted these requests and sifted through the combat log for the incident. Eventually finding it and realizing: “oh it did happen after I pressed ENTER on that thing” And I realized my error right then and there. A Staff report was made, and I was booted from admin soon after.

All in all, the player did the right thing and I fucked up hard in my own arrogance at that time. If anything, the only issue I had with the whole thing was not being notified of the Staff report being made. but that’s a minor thing that ultimately doesn’t matter.

TL/DR: I was being an arrogant asshole and got booted from TGMC’s administration team because for being a dumbass and pressing a button I shouldn’t’ve. I, very much learnt my lesson and believe my current clean record with continued attempts of being active within this community shows that I have grown past my immaturity and arrogance .


i was queen gib by spy no forgib pls ban urself :angry: :angry: :angry:

Okay, in all seriousness, I’ve seen you around man. You’re a great player and every interaction we’ve had was lovely. I can’t speak to your behavior OOCly, since we never talk that way, but even so, from what I’ve seen, I have full faith that you’d be a lovely addition to the moderator team. Moreover, I’m glad you’re willing to acknowledge your own mistakes and wrongdoings over at TGMC, and from what I can see, you’ve grown well beyond that time.

+1. I will commit arson if you don’t get the role.

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I will say I have seen you in actions and have seen you play, you are good when it comes to RP and no doubt would be a competent staff member.
But I have only one problem with the application as a whole which I myself got warned by a friend when I was making my moderator application. Don’t use the anything else area to defend yourself for past actions its like shooting yourself in the foot or as my friend said “Hey I know I did bad things but I promise I won’t do them again” Its a very easy mistake as we feel like we need to justify ourselves for things others might figure out about but in instances like this its easier to ask for forgiveness than to announce your faults
In total im saying the Anything else is completely overshadowing the rest of the application and the application would have been better without the story about your faults
So in total I want to give a +1 but I cannot for how I know you and the application but the story is overshadowing it and makes me unsure on how I want to vote

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I do agree, but on recommendation from Forest;

“I would also ask that next time you be forthright with issues such as your time with TGMC, rather than attempting to gloss over it as if it never happened.”

So I am attempting to fix this mistake in my previous application and being very forthright about it. Regardless, I do thank you for your comment and further statements.

I myself would disagree with Forest but if he believes you should be upfront about it I will not argue, I had not known he had said this and I mostly said it in case we get anyone else in the future, in that case then I will give this a +1 but thats just because you had the vice host ask you to do something I would not recomend

Agreed whole heartedly, Thank you for your support Ro3ger.

I am not going to lie your history concerns me but I have nothing but good interaction with you in game and in the discord it’s self. Now the only thing I will say is that make sure you all of that history to better your self as a mod here but all in all +1. (PS. I am sorry for sounding like a Jack ass here I do not mean to come of like one)


I am going to be completely honest and say I have tremendous reservations considering your history. You were an administrator that abused your authority and tried to deny as well cover your tracks. You were caught red handed and removed from your position. You were dishonest on your first moderator application on this server.

I may seem harsh but the truth sometimes is. I am glad you are finally being upfront about your past. It is a great step in the right direction. However, talk is cheap. What assurances can you give the same terrible behavior will not rear its ugly head again?

As I stated in my comments; I have no idea why I did what I did, upon reflection of my actions. I Whole heartedly I have no idea why I did it. Why did I touch those buttons? Why did I deny it in the first place? I honestly have no excuse or logical reason for what I did. I ruined a round and ruined a player’s fun for no good reason.

In regards to assurances; I can’t exactly give anything physically nor can anything be physically enforced. All I can do is say my arrogance and terrible conduct won’t happen again. All I request is a bit of faith that I am no longer that person. But; if I were to return to my old ways, I would offer the administrative team to do something drastic as punishment without opposition from me for harming this community.

I am going to be completely honest. It beggars belief you do not know why you did what you did. You thought you could get away with it. -1 be honest with your self. I cannot and this server should not in good faith endorse a person who does not own up to his failings.

I truly do not know why I did it, though you do not believe me. I could give reasons/excuses but the primary one you speak of

“You thought you could get away with it.”

Is one of them I’d Include. In any other form, I am TRYING to prove I am owning up to my own failings. But you are an example that people do not believe it to be. Unfortunate for my own regards.

Andy, man to man. That does not make a lick of sense. Be honest. Please do not play this game. Own up and be a man. It is ok to make mistakes and be a terrible person in your youth. I am guilty of it as well.


I fucked up, and I am trying to be better.

Short and simple.

I am going to be completely honest and show my age here. The fact it took this much dialogue to drag the facts of the case out of you speaks a lot. You are dishonest person until called on it. -1 stands.

I’m not sure how many times we’re gonna force Andy to admit he fucked up, he even did so upfront in his original post. I am of the opinion that he has stopped fucking up, and is ready for a chance.

With this, let’s attempt to move forward with some moderation related questions (I’ll be stealing from Biolock’s book here.)

Question 1:
An ahelp comes through of a marine stating he’s been tabled for two minutes straight, what do you do?

Question 2:
Another ahelp, it’s the specialist stating that his gear has been stolen. How do you remedy the situation?

Question 3:
If you could re-write any rule, which would it be, and how would you write it?

Thank you for your faith; Regardless heres’ my answers regarding these questions with only knowledge of ML, Server rules, SOP, and Staff code of conduct as my only resources.

Question 1:
An ahelp comes through of a marine stating he’s been tabled for two minutes straight, what do you do?

Step one is to PM both parties, getting them to stop and take notes/details of the incident. Step two; See how severe the incident became. I.E. if he marine who was being tabled was near death or was merely being consistently being stunned from the tabling. And along with checking the note history this could go a few ways:

1; Tabler was Griefing: If the marine who was DOING the tabling had no sufficient reasoning for doing so then a few rules could be applied: Rule 4 “intent of one player wanting to cause grief or annoyance to other players or the server without a valid roleplay reason.” And possibly; Rule 10.1 “improper escalation” if bodily harm was caused in this incident should no valid route to do this was found. In this case a Medium/heavy note would likely be placed, possibly short ban if they had past history regarding this.

2; Ahelper was actually the Griefer: If the marine who was DOING the tabling had sufficient reasoning. I.E. the Ahelper was shooting people indiscriminately or being the aggressor and this was the easiest way to disable the aggressor in the moment; which case Rule 4 Griefing and rule 10 Improper escalation will be applied to the ahelper given the situation. With a Medium/heavy note, and possible permaban if this wasn’t the first time this happened and given the situation.

3; Marines being marines: Lets say they were just fooling around, and the marine BEING tabled was just annoyed at the situation because their ‘friend’ was having too much of a laugh about it. In this case, I would warn the marine who was DOING the tabling to stop and let the lad play the game. Lightly Noting them if/as needed should it be severe enough.

All in all, many things can happen but these are the most likely (within reason) to be my choice should they sate one or more criteria.

Question 2:
Another ahelp, it’s the specialist stating that his gear has been stolen. How do you remedy the situation?

I would PM the Specialist, find out who stole the gear and PM them regarding it. This can go many ways;

1; Griefing: The (assumed) marine who stole the specialist gear could be attempting to grief the marines by denying them a specialist their gear but had no prior interaction with them. Which case: Rule 4 “No Griefing” Will be applied with a warning and a heavy note should it be their first incident. Possible short length ban should they have been noted for this in the past.

2; A newbie: The (assumed) marine took the gear mistakenly/not knowing about the importance/or simply found the equipment somehow and took it because it look shiny/new. Which case I would notify them, as duty of a mentor, about the importance of the specialist gear and the subsequent necessity they have. A warning would likely be issued, with a more unlikely chance of a light note being applied.

3; Prior interaction with Ahelper: Lets say the (assumingly) marine took the specialist gear due to a prior interaction with the specialist specifically. If the marine in question took it out of malice and subsequently knowing about the Ahelper in/out of game; Then Rule 4 “Griefing” and Rule 6 “metagaming” will likely be applied. A heavy note, possible permaban/short ban if previous notes state they done this before. With likely attempts of recovering their gear being made either through nodging the Ahelper/fellow marines or directly PMing the ahelper regarding their gear.

Like the last questions; this could go in a myriad of different directions. These are the most likely paths and subsequent actions I will LIKELY take. Nothing is set in stone.

Question 3:
If you could re-write any rule, which would it be, and how would you write it?

Personally I would not fundamentally change any rule, though I would like to see more clarifications, like that you had listed as questions, to be set in stone and not let loose to how one interprets the server rules; Similar to Marine Law, granted this is a opinion of mine and edge case situations happen.

I will add one last bit: Every question regarding a non existent case is not always what will happen, and is often times more complex than these question make it seem.

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Alright, first off, you gave good answers overall and it’s clear you understand our rules well. But when it comes to moderator apps, I need to be sure they can be completely trusted to moderate the server. Right now, from my perspective as someone who hasn’t interacted much with you, I can’t say I have enough faith in your words and promises for me to vouch for you due to your previous record, with that being said I will look a little deeper into your recent history in CM and will decide whether or not what you did in TGCM outweighs the good you have done for this community.

EDIT: Yeah, the good outweighs the bad based on my findings. +1

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Your answers are more than sufficient, I wasn’t particularly looking for the wrong or right answer, you’re more than capable of problem solving as evidenced by answering them all with multiple angles.

As for the changing a rule question, not wanting to change a rule is a fine answer too. You have my +1 Good luck.

Thanks for the support, I figured to do the multiple angled answers due to there being a verity of situations a single Ahelp could be. Along with a verity of answers to those Ahelps.

But yeah, Thanks!

Howdy Spy, thanks for taking the time to apply! Please take some time to address the prompts below when you get a chance.

Ethic-Based Questions

  1. What would you do if you were the only staff member online and someone gunned you down for obviously no reason whatsoever?

  2. What would you do if that same player began then shooting up the rest of the Almayer after having shot you?

  3. What would you do if you were the only staff member online and someone ahelped about Andy ‘Mutton’ Marcotte, the Commanding Officer, claiming they performed an unwarranted battlefield execution?


  • The executive officer is currently at the FOB with an MP.
  • The XO, having just realized that they lost the command tablet amidst fighting xenos, orders the MP to leave the FOB and recover the tablet which is 20 tiles away by the frontline.
  • The MP obliges the XO’s orders and goes to retrieve the tablet where he is caught up in frontline fighting and killed by xenos.
  • A ghost ahelps, “Admin, there is an MP on the frontlines!”

How would you handle this scenario?

Best of luck in your application!